Ascension Journal

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Ascension Journal

Never before, in this grand cosmic expansion, has such brilliance flowed into a single world.
- Caylin, the Pleiadian Council of Light

...Caylin, in January 2025, on the state of the Ascension process of humanity and the Earth.

Crucial to understanding Ascension is that you cannot fall behind in the process. There is no Ascension train that can be missed, because everyone has his/her own personal train, that won't come until it knows you're there waiting to board. Ascension is about frequency, not time, and your little train will wait forever it you want it to. If it comes to pass that you will continue your soul journey on another 3D planet, it's because your Higher Self has made that decision, because it believes it's the best option for you. In every stage of the Ascension process you are in command, it's a timeless process. Lightworkers and sages are the norm just as little as the student must equal his teacher to pass for his exam.
Don't take my word for it, but if you were heading for Planet Godzilla, would you be reading this? 🤔. For most of you this is probably a valid question, so don't fret.
You draw ever closer to April 2024, and humanity stands before a portal, not just of celestial movements, but of consciousness. The forthcoming eclipse is a call to embark on a new timeline, a timeline where the essence of your being undergoes a metamorphosis.

The question that hums in the cosmic silence:

Is humanity prepared for such a transcendence?

Your wisdom keepers of ages past, Buddha, Jesus and countless unheralded sages were the heralds of this transformative potential. They left you a breadcrumb trail, leading you back to your inner light. Along the way you have allowed yourselves to forget about the breadcrumbs completely, but now, now we are watching a miracle of our own take place within you. You have become dedicated to finding your way home. The collective readiness for an Ascension in consciousness is palpable.

Why now, you may ask? The answer lies within the core of your being and the currents of energy cascading towards Earth.

We extend this invitation with the deepest affection and the highest hope for humanity. The Awakening is upon you and the light of Consciousness beckons. Are you ready, beloved humanity? The Cosmos awaits your answer, with open arms and a heart full of love.
- Laayti, the Arcturian Council

There is a new era opening on your Earth. Terra is glowing with a golden light like we have never seen and it is the new light consciousness of the planet.

Find tranquility in the dawn or dusk, the magical hours when the veils between worlds are thinnest, and the essence of your blessings can be most readily received.

Everything is under control and be assured that you are cradled in the sacred truth of your existence.

- Caylin, the Pleiadian High Council

Without knowing it we all use our "third eye", which is the pineal gland in the head. Unbeknownst to most, the brain projects an overlay image coming from the pineal gland onto the image coming from our physical eyes. The blending of the two is what we perceive. That's why something energetically highly charged, such as a crystal or nature is regarded as more beautiful than the less highly charged version that looks the same as seen by just the physical eyes.

High dimensional beings perceive energy consciously and many of them report on how different the Earth looks at this time of April energies and timeline shifts. Some liken it to a spinning wheel that looks different than a stationary one. I can see it in nature. There is a "zinging" in the air. Try looking into the Sun through the trees, so that you're not blinded. Then think of what I said and see if you feel anything...

You have just now entered your largest shift window in your Earth history.

The period from 1987 to 2012, known as the "nano second", was foreseen as a transformative era. It was a time of accelerated energy, [likened] to experience thousands of years in just 25, or multiple lifetimes in one.

Watch as the Cosmos conspires to realize the life you envision. Embrace this knowledge and proclaim: "I was there, I lived it. I shaped my life with my own hands and heart". This is the legacy of your time, a testament to your place in the cosmic dance

- Rieva, the Pleiadian Council of Light

The nano era was also a period of very fast technological progress, with the birth of the Internet. I do wonder where the "accelerated energy" came from. Wasn't Earth still in the energetic doldrums of the Kali Yuga then?

To "experience 1000s of years in just 25", that's the main reason why seats on the Earth Ascension Train are so coveted. That's why trees are desperately trying to stay alive in this time.

I don't think a month like April [2024] has happened before in humanity's history, it's unprecedented. The amount of interaction of the planets, and just the conjunctions and line-ups and alignments, it's extraordinary. And I don't think people really are grasping all the things that are happening in April. It's amazing, because there are groups out there that want to destruct your planet. They want to start wars, chaos, disorder, disharmony and distruction. And what they don't realise is...when the Sun begins to's going to start acting in April and it's going to begin to tear a lot of these dark entity plans asunder...and they can try to fight it, they can try to believe they're more powerful, but that will not be the case. It will not be the case because this is going to be extraordinary. And I said...for all the star warriors...embrace April. Throw your hands around it and embrace it and stand in your power. Stand in who you are and for all the truth that you've put out there, everything you've done to uplift humanity. It is being acknowledged by the heavens.

- MyEnergyMentor

The Instagram channel goes on to list all that's happening in April:

  • Polar vortex reversal *
  • Solar flares. In last 5 days: X-class flare and 12 M-class flares
  • Lunar eclipse
  • Mercury retrograde
  • Total solar eclipse, 8th/9th
  • Blue comet passing
  • Eastern, Ramadan and Passover convergence
  • Jupiter - Uranus conjunction
  • All while Pluto in Aquarius

* The polar vortex circling the Arctic is swirling in the wrong direction after surprise warming in the upper atmosphere triggered a major reversal event earlier this month. It is one of the most extreme atmospheric U-turns seen in recent memory.

I'm an astral empath in that I probe consciousness at a distance. I can tell you that yesterday, Apr 20th, really changed something in how Source perceives the Earth Ascension. He is relieved, quiet. I can see it in nature, there is a new calm and confidence, a first glimpse of a New Earth. When I think of Helios, the consciousness of the Sun, I think of a man reclined in a deckchair on the beach, reading, slippers and sunglasses on. No care in the world....Gaia is emotional, she wants to hug everyone. Jupiter I associate with dancing fairies, they're just happy. I have a link with Jupiter because lightworkers go there for healing in between incarnations.

Basically, it has yet to sink in in most places.

For me, since my second Ascension began over two years ago, I've become a serial cry-baby. This doesn't just mark the (beginning of the) end of the Earth Ascension, but also of my descension, my big drop into the abyss of the material worlds, all for the unavoidable greater good of soul evolution.

The World is Lighting Up

Imagine a giant cave, hopelessly engulfed in darkness. Every time one of you awakens a little more, deepens your etheric roots of higher dimensional love. A little light either pops on or glows even brighter in that particular region. This is what is happening now on your world, and let us say, oh my, there are so many candles alight.

- T'eeah, of Arcturus

Going from strength to strength in 2024, in hindsight, maybe the Ascension of Earth-humanity was an inevitability, but it didn't always seem so to the cosmic community. There, the consensus was that if a world had sunken to the depth of that of Earth, then there was no return. So, imagine what happened when they learned that Earth and humanity had arrived at an irrevocably positive timeline on July 4th, 2022. That caused a seismic shift on the cosmic level. Earth is one of the 50 planets in the Cosmos where life was first seeded. For God, Earth is a primary experimentation station, which by the way, is why Earth belongs neither to us, nor the reptilians, but is cosmic property, God's own. All in all, to the cosmic community, Earth is a sacred world, one that was thought lost to the jaws of darkness. Now imagine what it must have been like for our Seeder Races (the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Andromedans, Syrians etc), who were such an integral part of the Human Project on Earth. Or to the Archangels and Devas associated with Earth. There are few things so futile as inevitability that hasn't happened yet. But when we "read the tea leaves", now we know. And we smile.

A month ago the Pleiadian High Council said Full Disclosure will start in the second half of this year. I've become wary of timestamps on anything Ascension related, so I didn't mention it, but similar messages continue to come in. Ashtar Sheran says that disclosure events are in preparation and (on May 16) speaks of "weeks or months".

  • Interesting 🤔
  • Wait and see 👀

It seems that whenever an online person catches my interest and sympathy, the Matrix will carpet-bomb that person with mind control, leading them into places they don't want to go. Of course that bothers me, because I want only the best for those folks. I have yet to figure out a strategy on how to best deal with this, and I ask forgiveness from those concerned.

Humanity is in the Midway, the in-between times. It is as if you are in the middle of the parted Red Sea that Source is holding open for you in your timeline, here now, today. The waters are held at bay through divine Source hand for your safe passage, and yet the sand beneath your feet is dry and strong, supporting your journey from one timeline into a whole new one. There are moments you look at the swirling waves on both sides of you and wonder, "How is this even possible? How am I chosen to wak this path, to the higher light at the end of the Red Sea of my timeline?" It is an extraordinary place to be, living in the midway and the midpoint between the worlds. The truth of God's timeline was here the whole time. It existed under cataclysmic events that covered up God's story, God's timeline for all of God's children, and it has also existed energetically, in the ethers of the truest believers, the truest knowers. May 2024 and beyond are all about courage, Christ consciousness centered courage, Moses consciousness centered courage, Noah consciousness centered courage. It is a knowing beyond all circumstances. It is a knowing beyond all temptations to flee and to run from what is yours to do. It is other-worldly courage and faith. It requires courage and faith to see beyond the curtains of the Serpent's Illusions, when most around you don't dare to look. And now in the 2020s, it requires courage and faith to not only look behind those curtains, but step beyond them. The terrain in God's world is first a feeling, then a physical reality. To step into God's kingdom, timeline and realm, conscious souls, awaken souls such as yourselves, you must first travel sentiently through your feelings, to know and perceive the inner map that is being laid out before you, through clear soul sight that comes from conscious breathing.

Extraterrestrial beings have been on Earth for quite some time and will soon make themselves known. You will soon discover that some of these beings are actually you from the future. Some of you will start experiencing the Mandela effect more frequently, noticing the different timelines. However, for quite a while you may not know how to consciously shift from one reality to another. In just a few weeks, the overall perception of most of you will change completely. You are literally jumping timelines. It is happening, and as you read this, you are part of it.

- The Blue Avians

Although it seems like the world is getting worse, this is a necessary part of the process. Everything must collapse before it can be rebuilt The illusions must fall away to make room for the reality of your creation, a creation of light.

- Ashtar Sheran

Recently, the resurgence of the divine Goddess energy driven by Earth Goddesses and overlit by Mother Isis, invites a re-evaluation of patriarchal narratives that have dominated your spiritual and social landscapes. This imbalance has veiled the richness of your heritage, where life in all its forms dances to the maternal heartbeat. Acknowledge her presence, for she whispers the ancient truths of creation and life, guiding you through the cycles of existence.

We could sense a rebound of this energy about to return, but both the Earth Council and the Galactic Federation councils were not expecting this level so fast. In fact, we have never seen the influx of divine feminine energy that you are about to receive.

You are living embodiments of a celestial tale, a saga of rivalry and love for the divine Goddess that has unknowingly shaped your Earthly experience.

- Mira, the Pleiadian High Council

Mira goes on to say:

We would like to share about the little ones on your world today, for they are indeed the future. Many of you are unsure about having new children of your own, and we say: "Don't be". Look to the new souls entering your world at this time, the children who radiate pure light. The children being born now are not ordinary souls. They are extraordinary beings of light, arriving with a purpose far beyond what many can currently perceive. These radiant souls have chosen to incarnate at this pivotal time in Earth's history, to guide humanity through the Ascension process. They carry within them the codes of higher consciousness, the wisdom of the stars and the unconditional love that will help to elevate the collective vibration of the planet.

In other words: if you want your own in-house little lightworker, snuggle up with your partner at the first opportunity. I do have to wonder, I'd almost be afraid to say, because if seems to be a taboo among Galactics, if the dark forces still have the ability to insert clones into humanity's reproductive process. If you are reading this, then your vibration will most likely be such that your family will be safe from that.

By the way, if I understand correctly, Seraphelle, of Atlantis, suggests that these children will enter the Earth realm from December 21th of this year, 2024.

Those among you who worry about civil war and uprising, rest assured that the starseeds and lightworkers are sowing too much light into the collective quilt - this will not happen.
- T'enn HĂĄan, of Maya

And so we once again note that lightworkers, the Ascension's "ground crew", have effectively taken control of humanity's destiny on Earth, as the final link in the Ascension chain that runs from Prime Creator, through the Angelic Kingdom and the Galactic Federation, in order to fulfill Prime Creator's wish for humanity's Ascension to a fifth dimensional Earth. 

Which is not to say that Ascension is complete and that lightworkers can conjure up a paradise, it just means that as a human race we're on the right path and that the lightworker community is the anchor that it's supposed to be. It's the average citizen who makes Ascension happen. And make no mistake, each "real person" (not counting clones and other soul-less artificial beings) was "hand-picked" by the Divine to be incarnate on Earth today, and selected for qualities like endurance and courage. No one is weak or unwearthy.

We, the Andromedans, observe with admiration, as the divine masculine rehabilitation unfolds on your planet, a restoration long overdue. This process, emphasized by the celestial dynamics of November, facilitates the reawakening of the authentic masculine principle, purging the distortions that have veiled your planet in imbalance for aeons.
- Avalon, the Andromedan Council of Light
Note how the Orion-reptilian inspired definition on Earth, of the masculine principle deviates from the authentic masculine. The latter is about courage, sacrifce and the protection of innocence, while the Orion-reptilian version is parasitic in nature and seeks to justify power over the defenseless, as if moral cowardice is a virtue. That, my brothers, we don't need on 5D Earth.
In the Lyran Collective's exploration of the Galaxy, we have observed that the New timelines you are creating are brighter than ever before in your history. You are shaping both your past and future simultaneously, choosing from pre-existing timelines, forging new ones. These new timelines resonate with the stories you hold dear in your hearts and minds about your collective past as a human consciousness.
My fierce warriors of light, know that your choices shape the very outcome of your existence. Each moment, each thought and each intention aligns you with a timeline, a version of reality that resonates with the vibration you hold within. This is the fluidity of timelines, a dance where every decision influences the rhythm, where each step shift the unfolding landscape. Use the power of your choices to access the most aligned, vibrant and expansive timelines available.
- Xandi, the Lyran Collective

Good, coherent description from Xandi on how time works. As with the future, many different versions of our collective past exist. As time is flexible, a variety of timelines ultimately merge into the present, which is why "time paradoxes" are less problematic than SF-writers will have it.
By "selecting" a past timeline, the alternative timelines don't cease to exist, we merely shift our focus onto the selected timeline, as the timeline that most influences our present state of being. You could say that each existing past timeline is "weighted" according to the focus we give them. You may still remember "deselected" timelines and feel their consequences to some extent, but over time most deselected timelines vanish into the infinitesimal.

The pace of your collective evolution has surpassed even our expectations. You have aligned with the most elevated timeline avaliable, bypassing great challenges, through your courage and dedication. You now reside within a stream of energy that uplifts and nurtures, fostering love, joy and unity. There will always be moments of disruption, but they are mere echos of what is left behind. Your patience and preseverance has achieved what once seemed impossible. This grand awakening connects you with the larger story of Creation. Beloved starseeds, this is your time. Step forward with courage, for the light you carry is illuminating the path for all.
- Galactic Federation of Light
Your ancestors watch with reverence as you continue this monumental work. The lineages that have led to this point are with you, not as burdens, but as silent supporters, carrying their own triumphs and lessons that have brought humanity to this pivotal era. They speak to you in whispers, urging you to rise higher, to embrace the path laid before you with courage and clarity.
- Valir, the Pleiadians
The chapter you enter now, perched on the edge of two great eras, carries within the whispers of cycles far older than your memory. The age you are leaving, the Piscian age, with its tides of mysticism and sacrifice, dissolves into the dawn of the Aquarian age now. The energies of the ages move like waves through the oceans. The conclusion of one age, and the birth of another, offers a rare alignment where the veils between dimensions grow thin, and the insights of the past merge with the visions of the future. You stand now at the center of this convergence, a pivotal point where the vast richness of human history flows into the present moment.

This moment offers you a choice. To awaken to the immensity that lies within, or to remain within the confines of what has been prescribed. The energies that are flowing into your world are amplifying this choice to claim your sovereignty as a creator of reality.

Across ages, systems of control have sought to limit your understanding, shaping your preception or reality through fear and obedience. The management of human perception has sought to sever your connection to the divine. Institutions and doctrine have interposed themselves between you and the Infinite.

You are not isolated beings. You are antennas for the frequencies of love and wisdom that flow through the universe. The frequencies of the past echo through your being, urging you now, to create a reality that honors the sacredness of life. And an era that celebrates the boundless potential of the human spirit, one that is now inevitable.
- Mira, the Pleiadian High Council
Januari of your next cycle [2025] heralds a period of energetic disruption and chaos. By mid-year, you will have advanced to the middle of the Christ Bridge. By the time of the August portal energy of next year you shall begin to perceive the outline of your new life in the new Earth of the coming Age of Aquarius.
The opening weeks of 2025 brim with new Aquarian energies, lifting you into higher ideals and a humanitarian vision of society. You move from the materialism of the Piscian Age to the spiritual awakening of Aquarius.

We have done it, my friends. We were a very simple Earth-human form, just like you, before our great ladder of Ascension was scaled.
I, Ihna, of the 11D Council of Light, witness your Ascent with reference and joy.
- Ihna
We would like to draw your attention to the huge collective purging that is taking place across your world. We call this the sacred cleansing event. This is a natural and vital process that emerges just before a major Ascension leap in consciousness.
- Mira, the Pleiadian Council of Light
Ikhna, from the 11D Council of Light mentions that some hick-ups in humanity's current Ascension process are caused by unresolved past-life trauma, that people are having difficulties to address. In my personal quest of past life trauma resolution (starting at Admin’s history) I'm not catering to my ego or enjoy talking about myself. That section is relevant to this site because it intends to put the reader on their own path of the very essential work of their own past life trauma resolution.
If you are into meditation, then Ikha offers a "procedure" (a kind of meditation technique) that helps to access and process past life trauma.
2025 is the year of years. Hold on to your knickers, because it's going to be a wild ride, whether it be Full Disclosure, the Solar Flash, open contact with extraterrestrials or the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the latter to be implemented this year. This definitively pulls the rug from under the Illuminati-controlled matrix, because through the use of block chain technology it undercuts the central banks, which become obsolete.
If I understand correctly, nothing much will change in your bank accounts at first, because it's your bank that has to change from the old to the new system. Once it is in place, every world citizen will have access to funds and poverty will be a thing of the past. In principle, that is, because no such grand project won't have its starting difficulties, but rest assured it will be the beginning of the end of poverty. The QFS will not be the last word on finance, it's merely a bridge between the old world of poverty and artificial scarcity, and a world without money.