Admin’s history

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Admin’s history

Quite objectively, this page can be of general use, in that it offers an example of what people can expect in their own past life remembrance. But the primary reason I write it, is because it helps me organize and alchemize my thoughts and memories and I don't like talking to myself in a personal diary. It's more than plausible that many, if not most people are decidedly disinterested in my personal musings and outpourings and they are well-advised to avoid posts in the Admins History category. Be blessed 🤗 .
Imagination serves as a powerful instrument, unveiling patterns that align with your memories from realms beyond. These memories act as blueprints, enriching your understanding of purpose and unity with your own journey. Remembering these threads of past and future, reveals the intricacy of the divine path, helping to heal and unify the fragments of self.
- Caylin, the Pleiadian Collective
The veils of forgetfulness are like tin foil. No matter how thin, as long as they are there, they will be opaque. The thinner they become, as a result of the Ascension energies, the easier it becomes to "reach through" them, a metaphore for informed (or guided) imagination. Some people call imagination a "psycho pump", a tool to get information from the unconscious realms to the conscious. It's the Higher Self that will validate, or not, the information obtained this way. This process is initiated by the Higher Self, or equivalently, from beyond the veils, a voice that has to be loud enough to attract one's conscious attention. This, in general, will be so if it concerns traumas that need urgent attention and care (with the conclusion of the Ascension process in sight). Hence, the mood of this page is grim, as it primarily deals with the dark pages of my soul's history book. Only if a past life has resulted in a historic public persona, will I be able to become knowledgeable of a past life in which no major trauma was experienced.
Work with your dreams, for they are gateways to your soul's inner knowledge.
- Mira, the Pleiadian High Council

In most, if not all, of my lifetimes the following themes are present:

  • Orphaning
  • Being betrayed
  • Being a refugee
  • Giving my power away to women
  • In some lifetimes I am the brother of a male being who becomes a leader of his realm or society. In some of these, I act as the older brother, protecting and helping my younger brother on his way.
  • To start with the former set of themes, let me refer to myself as the mother of all mother complexes and my previous inability to cope with being rejected by my cosmic (adopted?) mother has been the central element in my soul history. Her fear of being eclipsed by me has lead her to cruel behaviour towards me, which she compares to a mother bird inciting her chick to fly and take to the sky, as a metaphore for my indepence from parental care. I have learned to distance myself but do not judge her because inevitably it's all a part of Prime Creator's plan. This is not religion, but a sober conclusion.

    And so, over the aeons and all my incarnations I went into contracts with souls that would play the role of the cruel, cold or simply absent mother figure. The process could take the form of the death of the parents, early separation, such as being sent to boarding school at an early age, or by a lacking emotional connection with the parents, such as in my present lifetime (my parents have both passed on). But also as toxic relationships that ended in betrayal. Finally, the Cosmic Mother intervened in my present life until on June 8th of this year I finally realized I had to let her go.

    Let's put this aside for a while and simply start describing some of my incarnations. I've come to the conclusion that one of my previous incarnations was as Giordano Bruno. That he died at the stake wouldn't shock me because I already know that's in my soul-history.

    In the second half of the second Millenium Giordano Bruno was an early adopter of the heliocentric worldview, the notion that the Earth revolves around the Sun, instead of the other way around. This was a concept that waxed in intellectual circles during the 16th century, the ones that most collided with the authorities are now most (in)famous for it. And boy, did Bruno collide, the serial dialectic that he was.

    What set Bruno apart from his contemporaries, if I understand correctly, was his view that the stars are suns with planets that hold intelligent life. Today, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), the assumption that there is extraterrestrial intelligence, is still esoteric and the official acknowledgement of it, above top secret (although that will end very soon). When I got immersed in ufology during the end of the 1990s, people openly and literally questioned my sanity. In Bruno's time, the ETH was probably so exotic that it didn't sink in and as such posed no threat to the religious establishment. During trials Bruno recanted his deviant religious opinions in several instances; apparently to him religion wasn't wearth dying for, but he never recanted his astronomical views.

    Bruno even seemed to have a concept of Oneness, also an idea that is still outside of the mainstream today. That may be why I find it hard to find more information on his concept of Oneness, because "serious" scientists do not investigate subjects they don't know what to make of.

    If indeed I was Giordano Bruno, then that fits into a pattern of "way showing", which in esotericism is a familiar term. During several centuries before Yeshua, my soul group incarnated as humans on Earth to lay a foundation for the coming of Yeshua, as he explained in a channelling. He was our spiritual master, but we laid the energetic foundation.

    Today, we are lightworkers in the Ascension process, creating conditions that accomodate Ascension. Bruno was one of the people that laid the philosophical groundwork for what scientists today call the "modern age" (starting in the 17th century, roughly). When Bruno and Galileo both applied for the chair of mathematics in Padua, Galileo got the job. Isaac Newton "stood on the shoulders of giants" (Galileo and Huygens). Only in a few lifetimes I was a recognized scientist, sage, musician or artist, but I've always been a wayshower, God's handyman.

    As the veils are thinning, the plot thickens....It appears that I was Leonardo da Vinci before I was Giordano Bruno....For my art site I wrote the former's biography and doing research I noticed how much in a hurry certain folks were to declare him a homosexual ℹ️. Let me get this straight: because I have a soul mate ( ♀️ ) I am celibate during my male incarnations, I'm not sure about my female incarnations. It's the higher self that blocks relationships and some historians have speculated that Leonardo was asexual, partly because of the way he expressed his dislike of the human reproductive organs. As with Giordano Bruno, I only have a very roundabout awareness of either lifetime and cannot validate or invalidate anything on the basis of memory. I can only draw parallels with my experiences during my current lifetime and until my ascension to 5D in my mid-20s I was on quite friendly terms with the gay community. This stems from puberty, being an "undatable" and high-school loser as such, I found solace with others that couldn't compete in the "cis-meat market" (I say tongue-in-cheek, no pun intended). During my lifetime as the Lyran girl (see below) I was anything but celibate (with women) and that hyper-sexualized lifetime would bleed through into subsequent lifetimes. To that I attribute my androgyny which (initially) gained me more acceptance among gay, than among cis schoolmates. Continued below .. .. ⤵️

    To illustrate the androgyny, I added a picture of a statue made by Leonardo's art teacher (master) Verrocchio, for which Leo is is said to have been a model. There is no connection between gender identity and sexual preference, not in the adult Leonardo, let alone in his juvenile self. Indeed, sexualizing gender identity is the definition of sexism.

    For over a year I've been going to the Borghetto every day, where Milan's riffraff lives, to find a face there, that expresses Judas's evil. And I haven't found anything yet.
    - Leonardo da Vinci
    Little did Leo know that in a previous lifetime he was Judas, not evil in either embodyment.. As I'll explain below, Judas was crucified, not Yeshua. It's what the "veils of forgetfulness" do to you...not to mention the falsification of history.
    .. ➡️ .. I was fully aware of their inclination and they respected my personal space. When I ascended to 5D, in my mid-twenties, the Lyran girl became ever more prevalent in my being (a recognition after the fact, since I only recently started to recall that lifetime). As your frequency changes, so does the way you interact with your surroundings and cordial relations may change into something else. Leonardo, I'm assuming, never got to that point and to him people that would accept his androgeny and alleviate his loneliness, would be his companions, but given his celibacy, that would be it. The rest is poetry of a regretable quality.
    ℹ️ Energetically, male homosexuality is a reversal current. Normally the Kundalini energy moves upward along the spine, but in people susceptible to Orion-Reptilian (OR) influence, it can be forced back in the opposite, downward direction. When the reversal current reaches the reproductive organs, it renders the individual susceptible to mind control programming that is male homosexuality, in which sexualization by the mother is a catalyst. I don't think lesbianism is OR-induced, but the OR try to give it their slant in much the same way as the punk movement is in essence OR psycho-cultural programming (which is not to say it doesn't have its merits, by the way). Women are programmed to politicize sexual identity. Here, I emphasize that no one is instrinsically bad, but that young, inexperienced souls may be susceptible to manipulation. Another thing is the large scale production of programmable clones that serve to lower the collective frequency or to specifically target and harrass light workers.

    It seems to me that my incarnation as Leonardo was a "resting lifetime", as Dolores Cannon calls it, without any major cataclysms or trauma, see Da Vinci revisited for more on this. However amusing it is for me to peruse that lifetime by means of the extensive body of available documentation, from the perspective of soul growth it seems like one of my "minor" lifetimes. Only the aspect of orphaning returns to some degree. In word and deed Leo positions himself as a creature of experience, at the expense of scholarly wisdom gained from reading books. Then it would be typical of the process of soul growth that in my next lifetime I'd return as a scholar, as Giordano Bruno would always find a position within the academia of Europe. In both lifetimes I apparently had the ability and inclination to woo the high and mighty and mingle with kings, very much unlike my present lifetime. I've begun to wonder about a soul-purpose to a speech defect that I've had during my present lifetime, and that only very gradually has diminished to workable proportions, and I note that Giordano was gagged before being put on the stake, to prevent him from talking back at his executioners with his apparently rather fearsome verbal skills. In my mind's eye I see a stern figure in a long robe circling me with a solemn (as in humourless) smirk on his face.
    Now we're at it, let's put it in different terms. The danger of thinking in terms of time and past lives is that we are taught to think that the past is definitive. Lightbeings insist that time is just a learning tool and that everything happens at the same time, in that "previous lives" are actually present lives in different dimensions, realms or worlds. They say that we can actually help our other selves with our thoughts. In my Eris and Talia posting I mentioned that at present I'm sort of creating new timelines in my mind, scenarios and versions of "previous" lives that are better than the "original". I have felt a real change for the better in how I perceive "past-life" traumas. This then is in fact the "time-equivalent" of sending positive thoughts to your multi-dimensional selves (MDS) in the now. Then perhaps the key to all this is understanding the situation your MDS (or Past Life Self) is in, and to be able to come up with a helpful scenario that makes a change for the better. That doesn't undo the "original" timeline, but it helps your multi dimensional self in the Now. Here the mixing of the two approaches elucidates both.

    I don't blame you if you find this page hard to read, because these concepts may well be inherently sixth dimensional in nature. But let me recap the core notion:

    The past lives of the timeline you're on, are equivalent to your parallel lives in the NOW.

    Mulch on that a little and see if things start to make sense.

    Previously I gave my interpretation of what led to my mishaps in Atlantis. To recap, as a Deva I contributed to the creation of life on Earth, together with my (adopted) soul group, the Archangels. When the parasitic aliens came I decided to descend down the dimensional ladder in order to be able to fight the parasitic aggressors in the Galactic Wars. Apparently I had already descended too much in order to be aware of God's plan with the aliens and what role they played in the evolution of Earth-humanity, by adding polarity, see Glossary, to the Earth-plane. By battling the parasitic aliens we reduced polarity and thereby negatively influenced human evolution, which put us in karmic debt. To make up for that we incarnated in Atlantis with a mission, unholy and godly at the same time, to increase polarity. I became a geneticist, trying to create a "better human". This contributed to upsetting the cosmic order enough to qualify as polarity, and to push Atlantis over the edge. With the polarity issue out of the way (let's put it that way) there is still the issue that was apparently part of my soul mission: the genetic and/or medical experimentation on at least one individual. I ended up kidnapping myself from another time, as time travel is not a very complicated technology - dealing with its ramifications is another matter. To help get me through the ordeal, my soul mate incarnated with me and collided with a previous incarnation of my father, see My Father the Reptilian/. Until about two years ago, I had had only one clear past life memory, which occurred when I was six years old and showed myself at the same age in the previous life.

    If anything, I'm glad I got over with that horrific soul mission and without harming another soul (as far as I know at this time). I must be one of the best minced people in Earth's history, because I've been crucified, burnt and tortured, but nothing remotely matches being betrayed by yourself.

    As for memories of Atlantis, I don't have much. Just one moment during the final days. I'm outside of a white building, a few stories high, much like today's office buildings. The sky is cloudy and it's quite windy with tremendous unrest in the air. I was still in denial about any prophesized cataclysm, but nature's mood was disconcerting and I felt that. On some involuntary level I took it as a personal rebuke and failure.

    When I found this image it reminded me of a lucid dream I had on 11-11 2023, which I identified as a past life memory. It consisted of a moment in which I witnessed a face in the distance. It was late in the day somewhere on the British Isles a long time ago. I have reason to believe it was a thousand years ago when I was incarnated as a druid-priestess. In my female incarnations that I'm aware of I belonged to bloodlines of priestesses with astral abilities, whether it be on Earth or in Lyra during the Galactic Wars.

    Reflecting on the lucid dream or past life memory it seemed to me that the being I saw was what we call a Beserker today.

    In the Old Norse written corpus, berserkers (Old Norseberserkir) were those who were said to have fought in a trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the modern English word berserk (meaning "furiously violent or out of control").

    - Wikipedia

    Historians speculate that Beserkers were psychopaths, but it seemed to me that the creature I witnessed was a (soulless) synthetic being, for which the Orion reptilian genetic engineers are infamous for.

    What I saw in the distance were two pale light-blue luminescent eyes, full of fervour and fanaticism and some kind ominous desire. As far as the luminescent eyes are concerned, that may be an after-the-fact third eye interpretation. It's possible, however, that in that lifetime my third eye was sufficiently activated to see that in real time (It could even be a bio-luminescence gadget that the bio-engineers had added for intimidation purposes).

    Similar creatures were in preparation in the underground labs in the Ukraine. These labs are now being rooted out by the Earth Alliance, which is what the war is really about.

    Since I've had the memory-dream I have to say that I haven't felt quite safe, when out in the dark. An undercurrent of fears or pains that has been present during a lifetime, goes away when its past life origin is realized. Here it's rather the opposite.

    So it seems to me that the Beserkers, among other things, were tasked with hunting down the female Celtic bloodlines of druids and priestesses. I don't know if I walked away from that. However, as a skillful swords woman I was anything but defenseless.

    According to Plutarch, female Celts were nothing like Roman or Greek women. They were active in negotiating treaties and wars, and they participated in assemblies and mediated quarrels. According to the ‘Pomponius Mela’, virgin priestesses who could predict the future lived on the island of Sena, in Brittany.

    The Roman Catholic church believed that female Druids were sorcerers and witches in cooperation with the devil. They also saw the knowledge of the Celts as a huge danger for their domination.

    - Natalia Klimscak
    See more on Banduri. In Ireland they were called the Fianna.
    From that lifetime I recall my family unit, a father and three brothers, big muscular folks with wild hair and beards, my father permanently distraught about the loss of his wife, my mother, whom I don't remember. I think family relations were better and warmer than in most lifetimes, but a recurring theme in all Earthly lifetimes has been, me, as a source of shame and as well as (hidden) pride for my differentness and apparent metaphysical traits. I had gotten used to my brothers belittling me and accepted their rather aloof demeanor because of the care and warmth I felt underneath. They taught me to fight, possibly related to what happened to my mother, and I was always pressing them for more training, and after much nagging they would grudgingly oblige, in line with their studied ambivalence towards me, but also because it became ever harder and more strenuous for them to hold me down. At some point they felt intimidated enough by my aggression during training that they refused. I was so obsessed that I even considered seeking out real-life battles and opponents, something my father talked me out of and arranged for me to join a convent of druid-priestesses, which is how I would end up in most of my female lifetimes. More on this lifetime on: Banduri.

    I would like to go on and talk about my Lyran incarnation into a bloodline of priestesses, but it's tricky. I feel inhibited by the fact that this incarnation seems to be the object of cinematic interest. Perhaps the secret Earth government has pulled the Akashic Records of lightworkers and my post-Lyran lifetime was regarded as mediagenic. There is a superhero movie were "I" play a terrorist (as seen from the perspective of the reptilian media) and there are references to various stages within that lifetime in Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space Nine and the Next Generation. By far, this is the lifetime which I know most about, through lucid dreaming almost on a daily basis. However, mostly absent from the "Hollywood narrative" are the sexual and feminist aspects, which makes a discussion risky.

    However, I can say, and in the light of the above it may be interesting to note that in my post-Lyran time I also joined an all-female militia that fought the reptilians, initially mainly engaged in freeing captive women. I don't think I was there for the fighting, but rather as a technology expert that would hack into reptilian systems, using my astral abilities. That actually propelled our group from a marginal force to a real military power, because we could blow up anything that was sufficiently compromised on the tech level. This rattled the "Old Empire", down to its Orion home worlds.

    How this lifetime continues is interesting, because it demonstrates that history isn't set in stone. This is how I recalled it to unfold until May 11, 2024:

    Because the commander and founder of the militia thought I was becoming too big within the group (reference to my discord with the cosmic mother), she conspired with the reptilians to oust me. She incarnated in this lifetime as my (late) sister. The ousting upset me to a degree that I planned to act in a cataclysmic way. I do not wish to describe it further so as to not contribute to manifesting that timeline.

    Then I received a lucid dream in which I left the militia not due the commander's conspiracy against me, but on my own initiative due to her immoral treatment of a captured reptilian (she must have known, however, how I would react). As such I reacted with empathy, rather than aggression, and I went on to join a convent, going back to my spiritual roots.

    I theorize that if a past life event didn't follow from a soul contract or a pre-incarnation soul plan, then it can be avoided by selecting a timeline in which it didn't happen. The affirmation of a timeline jump then comes to you in the form of a lucid dream. For me, this kind of thing typically happens on the 11th of the month. The timeline jump was initiated by my unwillingness to accept the damage the original timeline might have caused to the reptilian race. After all, judging God's creation, even his mis-creation, is judging God, and that's not up to us.

    This description of my past life makes for a rather confusing and scrappy storytelling, but it enables me to show how timelines work and to impress the realization upon you that to an extent you can change the way in which your past lives affect you in the present.

    What I find deeply intriguing is the indelible emotional impression that both timelines have left. In the original timeline I was accused of associating with the reptilians. Some militia members called for my death, which the commander rejected. But the scolding I received on my way to the exit of our spaceship still chills me to the bone. That won't go away, even when I'm not on that timeline anymore.

    While the new timeline is settling into my consciousness the memory of the maltreated reptilian becomes ever more painful. Inherent to third dimensional thought however, is the singularity of reality, the unambiguous past. The Mandela effect is a more or less well known example of two realities existing simultaneously. A part of humanity remembers him dying in prison, while another does not.

    In my case, I remember two ways in which I left the militia, both leaving a mark on my state of being.

    Finally, I'd like to pay tribute to the soul that incarnated at the commander mentioned above and as my sister in my current incarnation. In both cases, by playing the roles they did, they helped me with dealing with my cosmic mummy issue.

    The lifetime mentioned above, in which I was part of an all-female militia, turns out to be one of the most influential incarnations in my soul history, so let me elaborate.

    I was a girl in my early teens from a distroyed planet of Lyra. The Galactic Wars were raging and the reptilians would abuse women and girls on an industrial scale. After my prison break I was taken to a space station that served as a refuge for battered women, mostly Galactic War victims. In space, stations are easily tens of kilometers long and the one where I went was very spacious with promenades, fountains, very high domed ceilings with "faux-natural" light and even nature areas with real plants and trees. What I would like to talk about is a passion that I developed there, which is dancing. Today, I do many things, but dancing isn't one of them. Then, my favorite part of the day was my dancing class, which took place early in the morning. We were with half a dozen of girls of my age and our teacher was a very experienced classical dancer. Please understand that all artistic styles we know today on Earth have pre-existed elsewhere in the past, as our Seeder Races infuse us not only with DNA but also with culture. And so I became a proficient classical dancer in much the same way as we see on Earth today. I had an insatiable hunger for new dance routines and choreographies and was very dedicated and disciplined. I also was a compulsive social butterfly (again very much unlike today) but made sure I got enough sleep so I would be fit in the morning. I was generally seen as a strange girl, for certain social behaviours, but that changed when my dance group had its first performance. That caused quite a stir and from bète noire I became culture bearer overnight. The militia members I referred to earlier, would visit the station to, among other things, find new recruits. Nearly all militia members were reptilian rape victims who basically lived for revenge, unlike myself. I joined the group because I got into a relationship with its commander. She was a tall, light skinned woman (as most members were humans of the "Nordic" type) who was extremely intelligent and capable in many areas. I admired her and felt attracted to her, which I foolishly confused with love. She taught me technology, which I applied, among other things, to making holographic dance videos, which served as propaganda material for our militia, and all-female militias in general, of which there were many. These videos were a fusion of classical and modern dance, the latter much in the style of house music today (which isn't unique to Earth either). For that I teamed up with two very good modern style dancers, who already had their reputation in that area, who were militia sympathizers, but not members, I think. And so I choreographed and recorded short but sweet holo-videos that alternated a refined classical style with a powerful and very sexual modern style. That we didn't hold back on the latter was actually the main message (and "hook", to speak in pop-musical terms) because in the reptilian empire nothing was a greater taboo than female human sexuality. We didn't grope crutches, like Madonna, but everything expressed female sexual power, alternated by quiet and fragile, feminine classical parts. We mocked the reptilians by imitating their snouts with hand gestures and their AI-ideology by moving mechanically, not unlike the "Walk like an Egyptian" video. These were gestures of which beings from all over the galaxy would instantly recognize what they meant.

    In my present life I published music (between 2009 and 2022) which I call "eclectic", and which owes a lot to the videos and their music.

    Anti-gravity was a very common technology back then and we used it, for instance, to create a dramatic effect at the end of a video where we would rise up in threesome, our hands folded 🙏 like in meditation. Like on the Internet today, these videos would go viral to one extent or another, in the Galaxy.

    While writing this I once again realize why my present life is so utterly boring, because in view of the above (and you don't know the half of it) "been there, done that" applies. After all, physical life is a game, an experience, and you don't have to repeat yourself.

    More on this lifetime at Eris and Talia.

    🧡 Human-Reptilian Love

    With the recent completion of the timeline cross, a wave of sacred feminine energy to your planet, a significant milestone was reached. The seeds of the feminine energy have been planted, although they're not yet fully anchored.

    You guide and inspire others, not by striving for perfection, but through your own authenticity.

    - The Group of Nine
    For all intents and purposes Yeshua and I were brothers when we were incarnated together, albeit step brothers, strictly speaking. It sort of explains why the movie Ben Hur, not including the violent parts, has always resonated so much (which my mother thought was very strange for a 12-year old boy). The movie shows the brotherly rivalry between Judah and Messala, which seems typical of brotherly relations in the Earth realm. Yeshua and I enjoyed each other"s company tremendously and would spend hours just walking and talking, which belong to the most precious moments in my soul history. However, there was a benign tension between us, as we enjoyed wrong-footing and challenging each other. As an Ascended Master he was master of the third dimension, with all his angelic powers activated in the dense Earth plane. As a descending being, student of the third dimension, I could only look up in awe to the boy (and later man) who talked to God. As an Ascended Master he was completely immune to Matrix mind control and was fully aware of the fact that Maria, while his Earth mother, was/is my Cosmic mother and I think he regretted not being part of our cosmic family, originally, although very much so in the personal sense. I, on the other hand, envied him for his bond with Maria in the Earth plane, which fuelled the above-mentioned benign tension. He enjoys having some kind of leverage over me, which remote viewers wrongly interpret as manipulative. I can't enough emphasize that whatever plays out in one's life in the Earth plane is a manifestation of soul contracts and karma, either due to transgression or trauma. In every past lifetime I recall, the themes of orphaning and betrayal (in the passive sense) returns, likely as being my Higher Self's efforts to get to terms with those concepts and how they affected me when I first descended the dimensional scales. Hence, the way these lives unfolded, happened by my Higher Self's design, in which the people involved consented on a soul level to being the "support acts". Numerous times, almost ad nauseum, as so to speak, Yeshua has emphasized that today's lightworkers should no longer regard him as their master, since they are becoming Ascended Masters. Indeed, I have now reached a point in which I fully realize Yeshua's role in my lives and how he has assisted me in resolving the above-mentioned issues. Was Yeshua crucified? Not likely, because it would have happened only as per his soul mission. But as an ascended master he had nothing to prove in the 3rd dimension, no test to pass. It would be like a Formula I driver going up for his driver's license. Although you can't exclude the possibility that in the past there was a (now deactivated) timeline in which he was crucified, thereby enabling the Christian religious narrative, which undoubtedly served a purpose as being some kind of compromise between the forces of light and darkness during the Kali Yuga on Earth. Interestingly, the Farsight remote viewers refer to a second person being the crucified man. They refer to this man having a following, which gives credence to the Gospel of Barnabas, according to which Judas was crucified in Yeshua's place. Barnabas refers to Judas as an apostle, but some sources refer to him as one of Yeshua's four step brothers. Needless to say, my Higher Self doesn't allow me to see what exactly happened, just yet.

    Between 2009 and and 2022 I was very active as a musician, making music every day and publishing it on streaming and download sites. That I quit is basically down to Ascension, as that process demands my full attention and is the reason why I'm here anyway and have been incarnate on Earth during the past aeons. During my musical years people would sometimes cast me as a kind of music professor that knows all styles from all over world. In fact, I can hardly read notes and do not study music, I just listen. That certain exotic styles (to Western ears) come natural to me has puzzled me somewhat and I put it down to the common cultural origins that many people and countries around the world have. Now that I am remembering past lives, I start to realize the link between musical familiarity and past lives. By the same token, when I was active in cross-border chat in the early 2000s, I found that I made contact with some nationalities easier than with others. Recently, I realized that this pattern coincides with musical familiarity, which, obviously, is where past lives come in. So I have to conclude that music runs through my soul history on Earth and I speculate that I once was a musician in Istanbul, for one place.

    My father bought a reproduction of this mural from the tomb of Nakht, because of his admiration of the female form, really..... and I've been looking at it from my bed for the past thirty years. One of the things I did at the space station during my lifetime as the Lyran girl was to use my psychic abilities to help people connect with their deceased or lost loved ones. I put on a long white dress, just as in the image above and a tall and exuberant head gear and sat down on a big ornamental chair (i.e. throne). Whenever I see women in long white dresses I see the priestesses I've seen and been in the past and some of them were musicians, as the picture suggests.

    Another aspect of my soul history is strong brotherly relations. Even though I gravitate towards and identify with the feminine, many of the deepest and most enduring connections I have made, were in male bonding with a brother. The first of this kind in this universe was with Michael. It seems my soul originates from another universe, oddly enough, you might say. In this universe I grew up with the Archangels and became very close with Michael, who is my guardian angel today, constantly near me to envelop me with his auric field for protection. It's funny how my childhood vacations were all about Michael, first in Bretagne, France, in particular Mont Saint Michel, situated on the Apollo leyline, which is dedicated to Michael (Apollo may be the Roman name for Michael, I'm not sure). From there on to England's equivalent, the Saint Michael's Mount and to St Ives, where I spent my summer vacations until 16 y/o, a stone's throw from the stargate at St Ives Bay.

    Previously, I described my brotherly relations with Yeshua and add to that Zharion, the feline king of Lyra. This is the white lion that people have reported seeing in their dreams. The thing is, the human race as we know it descends from the felines much more than from the apes. The first humanoids of Lyra were in fact bipedal felines that looked a lot like we do today. Only after the insertion of ape-like DNA did the modern human come into existence, but the difference with the original felines is much smaller than you might think. We owe the "Adamic Human" body type to the first felines of Lyra, it's not human as we think of it.

    Artistic representation of Zharion Ara'Khan, the Sky King

    My using of cat pics as Internet avatars may come across as somewhat pathetic, but as I realize after the fact, comes forth out of a deep seated indentification with the feline. The bias towards the feminine that I feel in this lifetime partly results from how the feline energy is at odds with the male human energy on Earth, taking into account the aeons of reptilian influence. In feline form I think I'm well at ease with being male and that's how I would, and hopefully will, interact with my soulmate, who is also of feline descent.
    It's important to note that there are many Lyran feline races, all bipedal humanoids (Walking upright, arms, legs etc), but some hairier than others, the least hairy very similar to Earth-humans with just minor feline characteristics, such as slit pupils, catlike noses and ears, with the men decidedly furrier than the females, the latter just having cranial hair.
    While neither of these artistic representations may be entirely correct, they might give an impression of how, what we regard as "human", actually derives from the feline humanoids of Lyra.

    It seems to me that the Native North American (American Indian) culture is in many ways a recreation of the old hunter-gatherer humanoid-feline societies of ancient Lyra.

    For the past couple of years I have been listening to the channelled messages of Ashtar Sheran and quoted him many times on this blog, for his wisdom and useful insights. With growing sympathy I have done so, realizing that in the Astral realm we must be connected and working together. On numerous occasions he concluded his message with "Your Galactic brother, Ashtar", until I finally realized I should take that literally. And hence, from behind the veils, I salute and embrace you, Ashtar, ascended master, commander and brother.

    A Babelonian confusion of tongues exist regarding the "Ashtar Command", the Galactic Federation's Military branch, and the "Ashtar Collective". The latter are negative groups that ally with the Ciakharr reptilians in Antarctica. Opinions differ as to whether Ashtar is a name, a title or both.

    Ashtar Sheran is the commander of the Ashtar Command and of the spaceship the New Jerusalem, which is referred to in the Bible, Revelation 21:2. This "city in the sky" is ten stories high, each floor having a specific purpose, such as maintenance of incoming ships, agriculture, entertainment, diplomacy, education etc. It measures 5000 km across.
    During the course of this year I've come to realize that certain feelings and images in my head that I've had for all of my life go back to an incarnation in China. Maybe that was the Chinese version of my Banduri lifetime, in the sense that I was a child from a bloodline of psychically active women. In order to deal with the threat that I was under, I was brought to a secluded place, a house built into a vertical wall of a gorge at high altitude. I remember spending most of my time in a rather large room with very high windows, easily seven meters high, separated by heavy dark brown wooden beams. Not much to do there, except for the spectacular view across and into the gorge, the opposing side several hundred meters away. At one point a man lowered himself on a rope and sat there like a spider in the upper left corner of the left most window, a sight that still gives me the creeps, although I don't think things ended well for that guy.
    More on this life, here.