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I was the daughter of a Celtic female druid-priestess who was killed by a beserker, synthetic beings created by reptilians, tasked by the Vatican with hunting down the female members of the Celtic bloodlines who descended from the twelve tribes of Israel. These women were psychically powerful enough to be regarded as a threat to the Vatican and were declared witches and demonic envoys, leading to the persecution of red haired people in Brittain over the past two millenia. Even millions of years earlier in Lyra the reptilians would associate red haired people with psychic powers and were persecuted accordingly.

My father tasked my three brothers to teach me how to defend myself, so I started my young life as a cute little girl not knowing what to make of my brothers' rough play with sticks and wooden swords. Until then my father had never gotten over the death of my mother, but the few moments I saw him smile was during tournaments I participated in…and won, owing to my brothers' relentless training.

When I was older my three brothers would attack me together with sticks to emulate the fury of a berserker. In time, my ability and fanaticism had grown to a point at which my brothers lost interest and like I mentioned at Admin’s history my father convinced me to join a convent.

Shorty after I arrived I was beginning to get visions of a figure that turned out to be a beserker. I'm speculating that they were equiped with a technological implant to track down psychically active people and when the women in the convent started to refer to a strange men roaming the woods in the vicinity I took my sword (that I had snuck in) and went out to investigate. I was naive to assume that I would be able to see him without him seeing me, leading to the moment I described at Admin’s history. He immediately charged, bridging several tens of meters in seconds, which gave me enough time to prepare for my signature move: a well-timed duck, bending my knees and stretching my arms, holding my sword forwards, which the beserker ran into. Knowing how dangerous they were, even when fatally wounded, I got up and ran into the woods. I envisaged the beserker having stopped his bleeding and running after me, so I kept running for quite a while. Back at the monastery it had become known that the body of a man with my sword in him was found and I was expelled upon arrival. Back at my father's place, he was furious until the sheriff stopped by to return my sword and amically converse with my father about his findings. I don't recall what the sheriff said but my father was visibly shocked, looking intensely at the sheriff as he spoke. Apparently the latter confirmed what I had told my father, which meant that my father's worst fear had come true, that I would become a target, next in line after my mother. But it also meant that years of training hadn't been in vain.

That moment in the woods, just before dawn, when I witnessed that otherworldly being, has transcended lifetimes, etched into my mind's eye. Did I walk away from that, I asked on my Admin’s history page? I didn't know it when I asked the question, but apparently I did, as my past-life memory expands as I write these pages. Then, it also imparted on me and my family the heightened realization that I was a marked person and we were a marked bloodline.

Synchronicity has it that six days after I started writing this page, I happened upon the movie "Alita, Battle Angel", a film with a strong Nazi smell and Anime quality (funny, by the way, how Alita anagrams with Talia). It's about a girl-cyborg that lives on a distopian, post-WWIII Earth. Which is a fantasy, because there are no Ascension-less timelines. The girl is on a quest to revive her (past life) memories (isn't that interesting?) and turns out to be, what? A beserker!

Elsewhere on this site I mention my strong suspicion that Hollywood uses temporal technology to inspire screenplay writers, so it seems they were able to pre-empt this post that I'm writing now. In Hollywood, whenever a woman does a "man's job", there is a role reversal, in this case a Banduri becoming a beserker.

Don't think I don't appreciate the Anglo-American movie industry. It's unrivalled on Earth in all aspects of movie (and TV) making. Too bad it's rooted in the old matrix.

As with Seven of Nine, it seems Hollywood associates me with cyborg-supersoldiers. Another role reversal or referring to a past life I've yet to discover, I don't know.

See Eris and Talia.

This post also serves to underline that synthetic pseudo-humans are of all times. During WWII the reptilians donated to the Nazis one million clones and cyborgs. Some were deployed in the SS, most were sent to Russia to slaughter whole villages, and the people of the former USSR are still grappling with the question how other human beings could so easily discard the lives of their ancestors, an ongoing national trauma. Little did, or do they know that these beings weren't human, they were carbon copies of humans, without souls or conscience. That appears to be one of the most effective ways to traumatize people and make them lose hope: to make them doubt the goodness of human nature and ultimately themselves. Reptilian dominance on Earth is all about deception, not about brave fire-spewing, tail-slinging warriors.