Atlantis vs Lemuria

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Atlantis vs Lemuria

It almost sounds like a football match, doesn't it? Members of the esoteric community tend to be in a hurry to declare themselves as being on "the Lemurian side of things", the feminine, peaceful side, the better side. This is a false representation of things. Firstly, Lemuria and Atlantis are incomparable in the sense that their peoples were different races. From us to the Atlantians there runs a direct genetic line, them being our genetic forebears. With the Lemurians this is not the case, they were of a much lesser physical density, somewhere in between the etheric and the physical. They knew no physical sexual reproduction, their reproductive system was plasmatic. The man breathed a plasma into the heart of the woman, where it matured and the left the body through the seams in the skull which would part for the occasion. This process seems a strong candidate for the principle of the "immaculate conception". Because the vibration was so high in Lemuria's heyday, high vibratory beings like the Archangels and Solar Adepts were able to incarnate there and act as spiritual leaders. Free will (see the Glossary), as we know it from the third dimension was absent there, as nobody was even thinking about not following the guidance of the spiritual caste. I'm speculating that one of the main "raisons d'ètre" of Lemuria was to prepare high vibratory beings for existence on 3D Earth, 2000 years ago, leading up to the Ascension today. As such the Universal Mother, the Cosmic Mother of the Archangels and Elohim and co-creatrix of our Universe, was prepared for her role as Mary, mother of Yeshua. And many of today's lightworkers were present there in Lemuria.

Although the spiritual level of the Lemurians was high, they had no lower dimensional experience, which is where the Atlantians came in.

Key to understanding our history is Prime Creator's wish for a truly twelve dimensional human race, with twelve activated chakras and corresponding DNA strands. Then, learning to live in the lower dimensions requires the experiences that only the polarity game can provide.

Indeed, when the histories of Atlantis and Lemuria overlapped, they were players in the polarity game, necessary for the spiritual development of the current human race, which has its genetic origins in Atlantis. Yes, Atlantis became overwhelmed by dark forces and their imperialistic mindset. Mattias de Stefano explains on how the Atlantians occupied the Earth's main energy centers, such as the Earth chakras *. This led, I presume to the establishment of the Atlantian colonies around the world. It's interesting to note that Camelot in England derives from Khemelot in Egypt (both Atlantian colonies), as the Atlantian name for Egypt was Khem.

And yes, there were wars between Atlantis and Lemuria, or rather, Atlantis destroying Lemuria with nuclear weapons and their sound technology that could literally vaporize cities. I don't think the Lemurians did much other than die or go into hiding (in the Inner Earth), but the underlying principle of all this was the experience of polarity that these conflicts brought onto humanity. That's the cosmic dance of evolution that seems so gruesome to our survival-based 3D mindset. Also see my Why does God do this? page.

With that in mind one has to reflect on our dual Atlantian-Lemurian history. That both were necessary to get were are now, as per divine will.

* which is equivalent to the US military having military bases on close to 900 nodes of intersecting leylines in the world.

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