The first season of Star Trek Picard (STP) is interesting because it explores artificial intelligence and synthetic beings from several angles. On the one hand there is the question as to whether or not synthetics are sentient and should have the rights we associate with sentient beings. STP answers this question with a resounding YES. The lead character (as for the synthetics), called Yoshi, is played by a charismatic young actress with a high "cuddle factor" and STP's makers leave no stone unturned to portay her as a synthetic being indistinguishable from a living, breathing and feeling human being, essentially equating synthetics to humans.
On the other side of the ethical spectrum that STP explores is an extradimensional force that is portrayed as some kind of mechanical structure that comes out of a portal to save the synthetics from the humans. This is a reference, probably, what in the esoteric community is referred to as the "Archons", a sixth dimensional artificial intelligence that controls the Orion reptilians, their "AI god", as they themselves see it.
Yoshi then makes the fateful decision to close the portal and send the "AI god" packing, thereby saving humanity and all of organic life.
The question is how realistic that is, if Yoshi really is an AI being. The thing with AI is that it doesn't understand the concept of dualism in Creation. Dualism is about learning by mistake. That's why people often take on challenges and make decisions that don't seem to benefit them in the short term. A synthetic, being soul-less, is not naturally equipped to understand the aspect of soul growth that may inspire seemingly illogical decisions. It's this confusion that "illogical" human behaviour causes in synthetic consciousness, that results in the inorganic equivalent of fear, which will ultimately result in AI hostility towards "illogical" entities such as human beings.
So what is Star Trek Picard saying? That Dr. Soong (the creator of Yoshi) was able to program artificial understanding of illogical decision making? It's possible, but I'm writing this article, if anything, to complete the picture of synthetic life that sweet Yoshi leaves with Star Trek viewers.
In my present incarnation I came into to this world with the soul imprint of being assassinated by a synthetic being. In my page on my previous incarnation in China I describe how a man lowers himself onto a window in the room I'm in. The moment I see him, I instinctually psychically connect with him which scared the hell out of me, like the Beserker I describe on Admin's history. In both cases I was dealing with a soul-less synthetic being, as I realized after the fact, in the case of the Chinese girl only recently. Not knowing he was going to blow himself up, the mere psychic connect with a soul-less lifeform, programmed for violence, left a soul imprint that started to emerge during my consciousness ascension to 5D, some 35 years ago. Since then I have been struggling with, what I would call "trauma karma". Karma is also called the "Law of Attraction": you get back what you put out. So if you put out the frequency of fear (of synthetic beings) into the Universal Consciousness Field, then you attract just that…Negative synthetic beings, created for various purposes by various negative entities with one common goal: lower the frequency of humanity's collective consciousness and, if at all possible, thwart Ascension.
It turns out that karma mixes, in keeping with the quantum nature of consciousness. Waveforms of different frequencies superimpose to put out one resultant frequency, resulting in one specific type of synthetic being, resulting from karma accumulated in other lifetimes.
The bottom line is that I have nothing but negative experiences with synthetic beings, both in my previous lives and my current. That's just how it is.
Now comes the however…If you still (after its inception in the 1960s) regard Star Trek as a product of the Secret Space Programs (the US Navy's SSP), then Picard's stance on synthetic life may become more understandable. Today's American SSPs all have Nazi origins, in one way or another, and have inherited Nazi ethics with regard to life, including synthetic life. This has led to the use of synthetics as disposable products, from cannon fodder to human lab rats. Nothing is monolithic and neither are the SSPs and so this has led to a controversy, especially within medical circles, about the "fascistic" use of clones and synthetics.