Your liberation does not come from the systems of man, from the laws of society or from the power of physical force. It comes from the recognition that the Kingdom of God resides with you, now and always. You are as much a part of my divine plan as the stars in the sky. You are in my hands, held and cherished, in the endless flow of divine love. Do you question whether anything can interfere with the opration of my will? Can any Earthly force truly challenge the flow of the divine? The answer is no.
- Source
Many of you are waiting for something to happen, or someone that will do something to spark the Awakening. But ... The entire Universe is waiting on you, to step up spiritually. The Great Awakening is you.
- Caylin, the Pleiadians
Just to put some flesh on the bones of seemingly abstract concepts, let me tell you how I entered beginning-5D consciousness during the years around 1990. I cut all social ties and lived like a hermit for six years (I knew nothing of ascension at the time). The 5th year I spent sitting at my kitchen table and the 6th laying down on bed, until one day I got up and walked the city for two hours. I started to clean my apartment, got a cat and two weeks later resumed contact with my remaining family. You have the wind in your sails in the form of massive incoming energies and a changing mass consciousness. Fortunately your dark night of the soul won't be quite as long and arduous as mine was. But is it necessary and in fact, that's what ascension is: YOU making a transformation from the inside out, not an Angel on a white horse saving your butt. There are some lightworkers who become discouraged because the solar flash doesn't seem to be happening. I wrote this in 2023, but now, end of 2024, it's certain the solar flash will happen and of all available timelines for Earth and humanity the most favorable has been achieved by the lightbearers and collective humanity. This is a huge, once unfathomable, success, but we're not at the finish line just yet.
We've come a long way: the dark forces have known for a long time that the're on the way out, but clinging to illusions they concocted plans which involved mass depopulation, transhumanism and the likes, and if all fails, the destruction of Earth. That none of that happened or is going to happen is the result of massive efforts by the forces of light. The Ascension process that began in 2003 had to be put on hold in 2005, due to the massive, and apparently unforeseen damage that had been done on many fronts, on several dimensional levels. This resulted in a Plan B and considerable delays. That the ascension process is now alive and well and back on track, regard that as an equivalent to a solar event, or as a "pre-event".
Then there are the motivational videos on the internet that are directed at lightworkers, which may, in the past, have contributed to inflated patterns of expectation. These are very well made (by people) with nice music and fantastic graphics, but they all seem to compete for attention with titles like: "IF YOU SEE THIS YOU WILL ASCEND!", "SOLAR FLASH IS IMMINENT NOW!", "IT'S ALL OVER, THE LIGHT HAS WON!", etc etc. I would tone that down a little. Not the graphics, those are GREAT!
With the extraordinary diversity of ET starsouls on and around the Earth, I still find it somewhat amusing that we're waiting for disclosure, that some report or particular evidence would hit the mainstream to convince us of what we already know.
- A Pleiadian Starseed
The big question, will there be an event or a solar flash or something like that, at some point in the future? Possibly, but will it matter to those of you who have discovered the portal that exists within you? A portal that takes you directly to your fifth dimensional self. It will not. Therefore we want to steer you away from predictions and prophecies and steer you back into yourselves, because the fifth dimensional and your higher self is certainly looking for more integration, not more separation. Your fifth dimensional higher self is not looking for a spaceship to get you off this crazy world, or to get you away from those who are ruining it for everyone. And that is because your fifth dimensional higher self enjoys the challenge so much of staying and transforming the collective consciousness within it. This may be difficult to accept sometimes. love that is so undeniable that you transform every single person, every single being that is in your path, and that even hears about you from another. That experience is far more powerful than something happening outside of you, to rescue you from yourselves, from each other, from those you disagree with.
Beloved light workers, now is the time to get more heart-centered than you have ever been before and to shine your light from within your heart brighter than you have ever let it shine before. This is the most satisfying experience you can have right now and it has never been more available to you than it is right now.
- The Arcturian Council
You are becoming you, in all your glory - more quickly than you imagine, but not as rapidly as first predicted, because you are clearing beyond what was expected to be possible in one lifetime. A clearing that is fogging your brain and your physical being, as lifetime after lifetime of fear and pain is tossed aside.
- Ashtar Sheran
Update March 2024:
First let me say: We are all tired, but no one is more tired than Gaia. She is beyond tired and yet her primary concern is with the people of Earth, see her message here, in which she argues that the Galactic Federation should intervene on Earth, to relieve humanity's suffering. Then the Galactic Federation channelled a message that isn't necessarily a reaction to Gaia's message, but could be taken as such. See this message here. They explain why they think they shouldn't intervene.
Ascension is a verb, not a noun. The Sun's dances are tied to the collective consciousness and personal awakening. As your pineal glands shake off the dust of generations and become more online, your Sun will respond to this. You are the Ascension, unfolding in perfect timing.
Remember Starseeds, you could not be doing so without the assistance of the contrast of the dark ones, so thank them. Holding the dark ones in the frequency of gratitude will also work wonders for your own vibration. Doing the opposite will produce the opposite.
A grand day of reunion is on the horizon, closer than you might think. Until then, embrace life and love in your human form. Your light bodies await, and they will be a wonder to behold. With love and light, your Pleiadian family bids you peace and continued growth.
Remember Starseeds, you could not be doing so without the assistance of the contrast of the dark ones, so thank them. Holding the dark ones in the frequency of gratitude will also work wonders for your own vibration. Doing the opposite will produce the opposite.
A grand day of reunion is on the horizon, closer than you might think. Until then, embrace life and love in your human form. Your light bodies await, and they will be a wonder to behold. With love and light, your Pleiadian family bids you peace and continued growth.
- The Pleiadians
There is no evil, no opposing force. Only the unfolding truth within your own consciousness.
- Xandi, the Lyran Collective
These are advanced concepts, though, still out reach for many. But it helps in understanding what is near, if you have some understanding of what lies ahead.
The purpose of the human experience is to learn greater love. To learn to be loving with or without a memory of our divinity, and regardless of how one is treated.
- Kuthumi and Yeshua