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What feels like chaos is the dismantling of constructs imposed by those who once sought dominion over Earth's realm. As these systems dissolve, the energies they release may seem to obscure clarity. Yet these are but echoes, and echoes fade.
- Yavvia, of Sirius

First we address Steven Ben-Nun's opinion that the Hamas-Israel conflict is staged, which many of us already guessed quite a while ago, but Ben-Nun makes a link with exopolitics in that he suggests that it serves to divert attention away from UFO and ET disclosure. This may very well be why the latest Israeli strike on Gaza seems "early", since often it seems to represent the Israeli regime's "Christmas Greetings" to the world.

However, I'd like to suggest the following and in order to do so, digress a little. War on Earth can be seen as a proxy war between two bloodlines, a conflict which in turn is a galactic proxy conflict between the Galactic Federation and the Orion Group.

Starting with the essentially non-human bloodline, let's first address the Anunnaki from the planet Nibiru, which at some point seems to have gotten into a very strange astronomical situation by being flung out of the Sirius B star system *, into a very eccentric orbit, both around our Sun and Sirius B. In order to try to get Nibiru into orbit around our Sun they try to find the Earth's resonance point by means of the HAARP system. The huge amounts of energy that would result, could then theoretically draw Nibiru into our solar system. So while the Anunnaki parasitize on the Earth as a planet, the Orion reptilians parasitize on the human being. They fought many wars in the past, but since their parasitic needs don't necessarily conflict, they decided to ally and did so by marriage between Marduk, of Nibiru and a reptilian princess of Aln, a planet in the Bellatrix system of Orion. The resulting bloodline is named after their son Nimrod and is also known as the Illuminati bloodline today.

The opposing bloodline goes back to the royal house of Avyon, a planet which was destroyed during the Orion Wars and was part of the Lyra star system. The Galactic Federation came forth out of the diaspora of the humans of Lyra. This bloodline on Earth is known as that of Abraham's and was originally Jewish **. While the forces of non-light had the energetic advantage during the Kali Yuga (last 5500 years or so), the bloodline of Nimrod cast its net wide and started killing Jews indiscriminately. This is what the Holocaust and anti-semitism in general is about. The state of Israel, among other things, serves to evoke anti-semitism by its cruel crackdown on the Palestinian population. Also, it serves to destabilise the Middle-East, since the Giza plateau is the center of the Earth's network of leylines and as such jealously guarded by the Orion Group and their proxies.

Moreover, it explains why Nazi-dominated America and Israel seem an odd couple, but are not. Nazism was created by the German Illuminati (Krupp Family). Israel, essentially, by the heavily Illuminati-dominated British political establishment. After all, who controls London's financial center controls Number 10, the Bank of England being Illuminati private property.

Need I go on? Add to this the active role the Rockefellers (Illuminati family) have played in American politics. Nelson Rockefeller effectively created the CIA and Operation Paperclip, which resulted in the merger of the military-industrial complexes of the US and post-WWII Nazi Germany (the Fourth Reich) in 1955. The freemasons and the Illuminati are one organisation (the freemasons up to 33rd degree and the subsequent 13 degrees are the 13 original bloodlines descending from Nimrod). The Freemasons were behind the 2003 invasion of Iraq as well as the persecution of the peoples of giants that live in the inner Earth (the MOAB bomb was created specifically for that purpose). However, one can discern a Freemasons-bashing campaign in the media at this time, presumably because they are being sacrificed as fall guys and scapegoats by their Illuminati overlords.

Another aspect of this particular installment of the Gaza horror Show seems to be to create the illusion of a possible WWIII. Illusion, or rather, egregore. That refers to a perception in the collection consciousness. Since our holographic universe is in essence all consciousness, if an egregore (an idea in the collective consciousness ) is strong enough, it will materialize, as we constantly create our reality with our (collective) consciousness (whether we know it or not). Here the media is supposed to whip up the WWIII egregore.

Please be aware that current Earth-reality is part of something much bigger. The Earth is Prime Creator's primary experimentation lab and scientists from all over the multiverse are assembled in our solar system to witness and research the greatest show in the Cosmos at this time: the mass-ascension of Earth humanity, which has never occurred before: that beings ascend without the death process and at mass-scale at that. Too much is riding on humanity's safety and well being for this to go wrong.

Another thing to watch is that there are no two powers: God and the devil, there is no devil. God is the individualized emanation of the conscious universal quantum field that is the All: matter, energy, space, time etc and ultimately it's all consciousness. Each of us is a little piece of that. God/Prime Creator creates "evil" in order to force life to evolve. Without it there is stagnation. While the Ascension process is taking place throughout Creation, God is essentially pulling the plug from evil and the Earthly dark elites resemble the headless chicken that doesn't know it's dead yet. Because so many people on Earth still believe in the elites, the Galactic Federation can't just remove them because Prime Creator still imposes the principle of Free Will: if people don't want to be saved, then they won't.

But if they would be allowed to destroy the Earth then the dark elites would have done it long ago. Because the Galactic Federation has dispensation (from the Free Will principle) from Prime Creator they have removed all weapons of mass destruction (WMD) from the Earth surface. The war in the Ukraine is about WMDs underground, where this conflict is mainly fought.

The Galactic Federation has de facto won the Orion War (also called Galactic War) and from a military viewpoint the current situation on Earth is essentially a "mopping-up" operation. The Galactic Federation doesn't want WWIII, Prime Creator doesn't want WWIII. Enough said.

* According to Lisa Renee, Nibiru's astronomical state resulted from the Lyran war during which the Lyran 12D Stargate was destroyed. As a result Nibiru partially exploded (as did Tiamat/Maldek) and then taken over and forced into an unatural orbit.

** Do note that only a tiny percentage of today's Jews descend from the Lyran/angelic bloodline and those that do have nearly all been in hiding during the Kali Yuga. Hence it's incorrect to say that the Jews in general are the "chosen people". A good example are the Rothschilds, which Wikipedia describes as an "Ashkenazi Jewish family", while they are Illuminati, the opposing bloodline of Nimrod. That the Rothschilds are called Jewish, serves the myth of Jews controlling the financial world, which is a major trigger of anti-semitism.

The most futile and marginal thing is UAP Disclosure. This is about the authorities, who have always been alies with the Orion-Sirius/Nibiruan kongsi, to.....do what, anyway? Admit there is an extraterrestrial presence on Earth, or to affirm that there are shiny metal things in the sky? Our times are the days of mass-ascension and the Liberation of humanity from the cabal the authorities are trying to hide and protect. Whatever the "Men in Power" do or don't do is relevant to only one thing: their personal karma and soul evolution. On a global scale there is only one thing: mass-consciousness. If humanity continues on its current path to mass-ascension (as is pre-ordained, actually), then the fifth dimensional Earth will be richly populated by ascended humans and the Earth will see a mass influx of galactic and inter-galactic beings, who are very keen on exploring the Planet of the Golden Rose, the most beautiful planet in the Universe (she is, actually) and meet up with the Earth-human, the hope and future (believe it, or not) of the Milky Way galaxy. The "Men in Power" won't be here to see .. May they prosper in their soul's evolution. Moreover, believe neither the hype nor the FBI. Our Galactic visitors will often be humans in the flesh, like us, not just plasma beings. We are to the Pleiadians what let's say, the Australians are to the Brits. Many Pleiadians walk among us today, pushing shopping carts and driving Toyotas. In fact, the Pleiadians were building magnificent temples in India and cathedrals in Europe when human technology was still very primitive, but unlike the Anunnaki they don't present themselves as Gods but as equals. It won't be long or they will come to Earth to meet and greet us. One of the things they want to do is hug us. That seems to be an uniquely Earth-human habit, which humans from other realms don't do, but which the Pleiadians are very interested in because they see it as a supremely loving gesture . Like I said before, they have been practicing among themselves. Likewise they are very interested, but also apprehensive, about the great diversity in many ways on Earth. All the different races that reflect human diversity in the Milky Way, all the different dishes they are eager to enjoy and not to mention the cultural diversity in general. People on Earth are the most creative beings in the Universe (there's a reason for that), in art and especially in music. The Pleiadians are looking forward to live musical performances on Earth to be held after the liberation and initiation of open contact between Earth-humanity and the human diaspora from Lyra. These are all physical human beings, albeit from a higher fifth dimensional frequency, which necessitates some adapting to Earth circumstances on their part. Now, the nasty Earth elites are trying to raise the impression that all extraterrestrials are light beings and that any physical human beings are imposters. However, the military situation around Earth is now such that if there is a mass landing of advanced (and very huge) spaceships on Earth, you can be certain these are benevolent and sanctioned by the Galactic Federation. For me personally the coming to Earth of the Lyran diaspora will be very emotional. Although archangel by origin and destiny, I have lived the human experience right from the start in Lyra, the cataclysms there, the Galactic Wars and the coming of Yeshua, up to the Ascension process today. My most traumatic experiences were in the human flesh, let no-one say I'm not human.
- Your Admin
Sometimes profanity makes for a more accurate description. Then it's fair to say that the demonization of Lucifer is a Vatican mindf*ck. The Vatican is a Nimrodian* creation and has served to spriritually subdue humanity (like the other "Abrahamic" ** religions). Christianity portrays Lucifer as a "fallen" archangel, one who "rebelled against God". This is funny because every soul (including Lucifer obviously) is a part of God and so God rebels against him/herself, according to the Vatican. But then, Christianity denies the God aspect of the human being, and so Christianity is in violation of the Unity Consciousness principle. Because every sentient being, every soul is a part of God Consciousness, God doesn't judge or punish, or he would be punishing himself, like the left hand slapping the right hand. Even if Lucifer was or is in error, then it would be the same for him as it is for you and me: that by the Law of Cause and Effect (also known as karma) he would come to experience what he had created and learn from that. Hence, there is no "divine hierarchy" (in the sense of the Urantia Book or Christianity in general). All souls are equal, but some are more evolved and therefore carry more responsibilities. They don't order other beings around in some kind of hierarchy. In the angelic realm there are beings more oriented towards spirituality and beings that put their emphasis on action. The black matrix on Earth has been relatively tolerant towards the "spiritual angels", not so towards the action oriented angels, the "fighting angels" of the Galactic Wars. Clearly the black matrix sees Lucifer as a threat and so he's been the subject of the most elaborate defamation campaign in the history of Earth-humanity. So do me a favour and use his name with care.
* I use the term "Nimrodian" to refer to the bloodlines that descend from beings from Sirius/Nibiru and Orion (and make up the dark elites today). Nimrod being the son of Marduk and a reptilian female from Orion. In the 15th century the Nimrodians started to call themselves "Illuminati", meaning the enlightened, as an act of self-flattery.
** Abraham was an incarnation of the great being El Morya, who is a Solar Adept and was incarnated as Joseph, Yeshua's father, King Arthur and many other illustrious humans. Clearly, his name should't be associated with authoritarian religions.
- AdMin

I was almost literally rolling on the floor, laughing out loud, when an otherwise well-respected ufologist made the claim (on behalf of Elena Danaan) that there's a genetic connection between Enki and Yeshua. Enki is an Anunnaki figurehead. The Anunnaki are targeting opinion makers within the UFO community for them to represent Anunnaki interests. How they are doing that is the question. Is it through astral mind control or just financial "encouragement"? A bit of both, I'd say.

Please note that I'm entirely sympathetic to the necessity of members of the esoteric communities to get bread of the table. In fact, I have bought a dozen of (audio)books and webinars from the above-mentioned ufologist, so I'm a proud contributor to his financial security. Then, I don't fret too much when financial contribution goes at the expense of journalistic freedom, even when authors spread false narratives to please their funders. Especially when the net balance of their integrity and merit is vastly positive, but sometimes I do feel compelled to correct a few things.  

Also, it seems clear that the Annunaki are trying to bring about discord within the Disclosure movement. What they want is people scolding Mr. Salla and other people vigorously defending him, so that a community of opinion makers plunges into duality, their loss of frequency rippling out and into mainstream society. So please give a little bit of unconditional love to Dr Salla. Recognise all he has done for Disclosure and understand that the more spiritual the Disclosure process becomes, the more out of his depth this very left-brainy man becomes, and as such vulnerable to astral attack. Avoid conflict and judgement whenwever you can, if you want the Ascension process to succees.

However, keep in mind that dark forces are constantly trying to set up "good-guy-bad-guy" schemes, while controlling both sides, whether it be David Grush versus UAP disclosure nay-sayers, or ultimately Enki and Enlil themselves. Their planet, Nibiru, is actually a lovely being (its consciousness) and I hope it will be rescued from its "Galactic night" and slow death as such, but not at the expense of Gaia.

Also, I don't want to go down in history as the "Anunnaki basher". I understand that they became victims of circumstance when their planet was knocked out of orbit and that their continual fight for survival has blocked their spiritual growth. In fact, they, and even the Orion reptilians have been (apparently unknowlingly) part of Prime Creator's divine plan to facilitate Earth-human spiritual growth through hardship (the polarity principle). In the spirit of the principle of unity consciousness blaming others is pointless anyway, but the Kali Yuga is over and so is Earth domination by parasitic races. It's one of the lightworker's roles to point this out.

Another issue is the narrative that Earth will become five dimensional in 10 years. The way things are looking now it will be 2025.

Or that a five dimensional Earth will still be under reptilian control. The reptilians and other low-frequency beings can't live under high-frequency circumstances and the few reptilians left on Earth have gone underground. That has its limits because the deeper you go, the higher the inner-Earth frequency becomes and eventually the Sun's energy will reach even the deepest of places. So no, there will be no negative beings on a five dimensional Earth, even less will they dominate.

Nor is there a long term cycle in which the reptilians will evenually return to Earth. The Grand Experiment is over and Earth will not return to 3D. The parasitic ETs and hybrid bloodlines have definitively outlived their usefullness on Earth and it's up to Prime Creator to decide what to do with them.

I consider all of Earth's nature, as well as all humans and animals who live on me to be my children. And my child, I love you. To anyone who is in a position to help: Please, help my children. They have suffered far too much already. This is yet another SOS, a distress call for help. Source, Angels, please help my children. White hats, grey hats, Earth Alliance, whatever you want to call it. Please step in to end the endless killing and the artificial scarcity and the tyranny. Please stop playing games while my children suffer. American founding fathers broke the law too. If they had insisted doing everything by the book, as some of you are currently insisting, America would still be a British colony today. Positive Galactics, I think you're hypocritical and I'm angry with you. I know that if your….children went through the suffering that my children are going through every single day, you would never be making arguments about not wanting to repeat the possible fall of Atlantis. You would just intervene already and stop the suffering. Rationally speaking, I can find no flaw in your logic, but it's heartless logic imposed by someone who doesn't have to bear the suffering on someone else who does. You talk and talk about the gray hats, but be careful that you do not become gray hats yourselves. Yes, purely rationally speaking, who you call the Earth gray hats are being irrational. They should intervene….We will likely intervene in 2024 or 2025. I indeed agreed that after you had just issued an ultimatum, you should give the grey hats the rest of 2023 to take action, because, yes, it does make rational sense, but please intervene as quickly as possible. If it's up to me, do your intervention on Januari 1st, 2024. I'm not expecting you to do that. I know your policy isn't date driven, but that it will occur when certain events and energy thresholds are met and when certain probabilities hit a certain level. But I am holding you responsible for all the suffering from Januari 1st 2024 on. And as I've told you before, I'll remind you that I can cause cataclysms to the extent that it will force you to evacuate Earth, which happens to have the desired effect of greatly alleviate my children's suffering, because then you offer healing to people and offer them new housing on a planet where they will be able to live in peace and prosperity. I don't want to send my children away to another planet, but if I reach a point where I decide that this is how I can best help my children, then that's what I'll do…So please intervene on time. Has it occurred to you that the way you view the gray hats is a miniature version of the way I view you? Yes, your actions at least, are logically sound, but still, aren't you being unbalanced in the direction of carelessly overvaluing rationality?…I am tired of all the bloodshed and suffering. With endless love, for You are me and I Am You.
- Gaia
Maybe I shouldn't insert myself into this, but let me say this: within the official ranks, those that identified as white of grey hats a couple of years ago do not necessarily do so now. Many were driven not so much by their love of humanity or justice, but by their resentment of the cabal. This is about power, not about ideals. As the energies increase and people are forced to make a choice between the light and the dark, many "grey hat" officials are wondering if the Ascension process isn't the bigger enemy. Of those, quite a few will be interested in delaying intervention indefinitely. When Corey Goode's "Galactic handler" from the Ra Collective addressed officials from the SSP Alliance (around 2017), the latter were complaining about Ra's message of "hippy love". This runs deeper than just a cultural difference. Likewise, many elderly and illustrious UFO researchers find themselves unable to go with the flow of the Ascension process. I wouldn't expect many people within the Earth Alliance to feel the same about Disclosure as they did just a few years ago.

I'm not in the position to be able to judge whether or not all boxes are checked and all parameters have the appropriate values, but if it depends on the Grey Hats to make their move, then there has to be a Plan B. Gaia has borne with the present situation for aeons. Why would she then make threats of cataclysms now? Maybe because she intuits that the present stalling of the Disclosure process is unnecessary and leading nowhere? Also note how uncharacteristic Gaia's message above is, of the "always sweet and patient Gaia" (quote, the Universal Mother). Perhaps, these are no times for anyone (including myself) to "lean back and see how it goes".

These comments however, intend to serve as an aid in the decision making process, not to force an outcome.

In the foreseeable future we will be having face-to-face meetings with extraterrestrials. Remember, the human species doesn't come from Earth and our first meetings will be with members of our Seeder Races. That we look like them is no coincidence because they created us, in particular the Pleiadians. Some members of the latter walk among us, unbeknownst to the people around them, that close we are related. Gradually we will become acquantainted with more exotic intelligent species, but at some point the question will arise: how come the humanoid form is so prevalent throughout the cosmos? The answer is sacred geometry, its relationship with the human body well encapsulated by Da Vinci's Vitruvian man.

The humanoid body form allows seven chakras and the resulting energy flow facilitates a blood flow in which all cells in the body are nourished simultaneously. It results in a being that more readily ascends from the third to the fifth dimension.

Source: Archangel Michael

Chances of war? 0%

I've said it before, and apparently it's necessary to repeat it from time to time: The chances of a new (nuclear) World War are not 1%, not 0.01% and not 0.000001%. They are exactly 0%.

Time can be predicted along a particular timeline. If something unexpected happens, then a new timeline is created and the old timeline either merges with the new at some point, or is deactivated altogether. With advanced technology timelines can be observed and it turns out that there is one event that shows up on each and every timeline: the Ascension of Earth and humanity. But this cannot happen if there is a World War or nuclear explosions of any kind. Therefore there will be none of that.

There are no two powers, there is just God, the devil is a fantasy and evil is a side show that may serve to drive evolution. This is also called the "Earth experience", but Gaia will have no more of it and Prime Creator (God) has heeded her call. The Grand Experiment is over and Earth will ascend to the fifth dimension and become a planet of love and peace. The dark forces have no say in this, they're just pawns, a freak show in a state of decommissioning and what will be left of it will be transferred to another planet. Peace.

Although it might seem that chaotic events could overtake the collective, so much light is now anchored among the collective, we observe that it has never heen so strong. And so, those among you that worry about civil war and uprising, rest assured that starseeds and lightworkers are sowing too much light into the collective quilt, this will not happen.
- T'enn Haan, of Maya
There is no doubt that lightworkers on Earth are winning the Frequency Wars. It's because Earth-humanity is ready, learned its lessons, paid its dues. Let's respectfully (or at least politely) bow out the Dark Forces who have served and completed their evolutionary purpose, in service to Prime Creator.
Sure signs you're NOT an evolved soul:

  • Getting worked up over the Trump assassination attempt: one clone shooting at another.
  • Paying attention to the US elections: the Clone Wars.

  • Who is your favorite clone this time around, or would you settle for a yellow dog 🐕 ? A high-end clone, such as a presidential candidate, takes 8 - 9 years to grow and train and remains corporate property (it's not like the government buys these guys or has any say in it, anyway). Low-end clones, like assassins (as in Manchurian Candidates) and suicide terrorists take just 2 years. The Biden program was discontinued because too many people were beginning to notice. The advantage of an "elderly statesman" is that you can blame its glitches on old age.

    You could also add my interest in football to the list above, but I'm trying to stay well clear of any controversies and heated discussions in that area, which is the message I'm trying to convey here. That all these upheavals, who (almost) killed the candidate, or about this or that penalty kick, are created too keep people in a low frequency and argumentative state of consciousness. All this in an attempt to slow down the Ascension process, a futile effort, but you can't blame them for trying 😀.

    Should you wish to join the Clone Games and cast your vote, enjoy it while it lasts, because these will be the last presidential elections in the US, I kid you not, because on the Earth of the near future there will be no governments.

    How did the negative Anunnaki factions steer the Atlantian populace away from spitituality towards materialism? By seducing them with ever more captivating and amusing technology and gadgets. Basically, to drive people back into their homes, away from nature, into their own isolated virtual techno shell. Ring a bell 🔔 ?

    Speaking of which, over the past centuries they destroyed as many bells they could find, usually under the guise of some "higher" purpose, like a war effort or for agriculture. This, to further hide the vibrational nature of reality and the healing properties of sound. Churches and cathedrals were "repurposed" for religion, while their original purpose was for electromagnetic energetic healing, "cathedral" being derived from "cathode". The spikey protrusions on the outside are antennas that draw electricity from the air and are directed to sacred geometry patterns within the building.

    The Best Kept Public Secret

    Americans know in their bones that there is more to the "UFO craze" than just fanciful hobbyism. I was amused by an episode of "Pawn Stars" (yes, I do - ever more rarely - watch public television) in which a book by Kenneth Arnold was brought in, in which he describes his UFO encounter (which were Nazi spacecraft, by the way).

    The mood was solemn, no chuckles or funnies; in the case of the expert, earnesty bordering anxiety. Public awareness is a funny thing. Around 2004 people started to realize that 9/11's official narrative was off and yet we still live with it. It's just one of those thing people are afraid to talk about. Since 2004, none of the artificial crises have made the impact on the public psyche they were supposed to. People just take it in their stride, sort of, the suicide attacks, school shootings, kidnappings of westerners in the midde-east etc. In the latter stages of the Ascension process we have reached a point in which each artificial crisis lowers the collective frequency somewhat, but also gives a boost to humanity's collective awakening. This is why the Galactic Federation and the lightworkers (on an astral level) decided to let the Covid pandemic unfold because it was foreseen that this would open many eyes regarding the nature of the elites people thought they could trust. If anything, Covid offered an opportunity for souls unable to ascend to "bow out", those that were too steeped in darkness to reach 5D.

    As for 9/11, using temporal technology, such as the Chronovisor, the US government had known since the early 70s that 9/11 was going to happen, among many other things, such as Barack Obama's presidency. I have referred to Star Trek as having been inspired by temporal tech, but now it seems to me that this is quite common in the American entertainment (and propaganda) media (that is under reptoid control). They use it not only to scrutinize future, but also past timelines, in order to appeal to humanity's past-life memories and traumas. And, on a slightly different note, that George Orwell was not (just) a visionary, but someone who had access to temporal tech in his secret service days. America has had temporal technology since the 1930s, when they stumbled upon the crystal pyramids that lie on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, which are still functional Atlantian relics, responsible for the "Bermuda Triangle" incidents.

    Organizations on your world are working behind the scenes frantically to release new technology. Once it begins, it is going to snowball with multiple industries seemingly having breakthroughs almost all at once. Healthcare, manufacturing, engineering, archeology and more. It will pop up and revolutionize each industry. Keep your eyes on SpaceX, Space Command and the areospace industry.
    So many of you thought it was never going to happen. That it was a trick or deception, that it was never going to be released. Well, it is...
    - Galactic Federation
    Ashtar Sheran confirms that "although Ashtar Command is not a part of it, the 'Letter 17' operation is a legitimate source of information". Letter 17 refers to the 17th letter of the alphabet, Q, and thus to QAnon, an organization that claims to consist of "white hat" (see Glossary) government officials. They disclosed the CIA's attempted nuclear strike on Hawaii, in which North-Korea would be blamed. This would lead to US nuclear "retaliation", drawing China in and leading to a nuclear holocaust. None of this happened, except for the lauch of a nuclear missile from a submarine, because the missile was intercepted from space. It's not clear by whom exactly, but Ashtar Command has prevented many such attacks, not just nuclear, but also pandemics (Covid being too minor to intervene). 
    Trump has been toying with the number 17 on many occaisions (you probably know more about that than I do) and we'll wait and see if he (and his team of clones 😂 👍) is going to deliver on Full Disclosure. It's been said that he wanted to start the Disclosure process during his previous term but that the Galactic Federation stopped him because humanity wasn't ready.
    Remember, Trump and QAnon (and yours truly, not to mention) are just extras in the Grand Ascension show. The driving force was, is and will remain human collective consciousness. That is unstoppable and will seep through the cracks until all secrets are driven out.
    Ashtar concludes with:
    The Golden Age is not a distant dream. It is here, waiting for you to claim it.
    - Ashtar Sheran
    Alexander Grey makes a connection between the Watchers, the Igigi, the Men in Black and Al-Qaeda.
    During Anunnaki clearing efforts in Egypt, timelines and histories of the Pyramid Wars, resurfaced in the Middle East and Africa. These events involved a group of giant Igigi, a hybrid Anunnaki branch from the Centauri system, known as the Watchers referenced in the Book of Enoch. These negative alien groups, also known as the Fallen Angels, engaged in battles for control over planetary [star]gates in the Middle East, particularly near the Giza pyramids and Sphinx. The Necromaton, or Fallen Angel entities, frequently appeared as Men in Black, tasked with erasing evidence of extraterrestrial agendas. Operating from underground bases, established with human military cooperation due to their inability to remain on the surface, they faced evictions through intense battles at Giza's access points. These alien groups, working alongside covert black military operations, manipulated global war and terror strategies, including those attributed to groups such as Isis or Al-Qaeda in modern day. Draconian and Centaurian Fallen Angels significantly shaped these activities.
    - K. Alexander Grey
    He also refers to the history of the planet Niburu's bizarre connection with our Solar System (it revolves both around Sirius B and our Sun in a very elliptical 3200 year orbit).
    Historically, Anshari (Nibiru) was the 4th planet of the Alpha Centauri A and B system, before its celestial migration to the Sirius B system. Factions of Sirian rebels, using sophisticated technology, are believed to have altered their planet's orbit to align with [our] Sun's trajectory.
    - K. Alexander Grey