Now here's an insightful and important message from Kryon, of Magnetic Service (?). First he indicates that groundbreaking science and technology is not evolutionary, it (seemingly) comes out of the blue in many different parts of the world. He cites powered flight, in which the Wright Brothers beat the rest of the world by just two weeks, and electicity. I'd like to mention antigravity, a field that was bursting at the seams (especially in Germany, or rather the Weimar Republic), before it was globally repressed. Einstein and Tesla were in communication with extraterrestrials (Einstein subconsciously) before and during their work. In other words, inventions are dropped on humanity when it is deemed ready.
Kryon then goes on to make the point that the new tech mentioned above (holography, spacetime manipulation etc) is consciousness based. To illustrate, the Atlantians were much more consciousness based than we are. They had their Mindlight generators, which were powered by the collective consciousness. Every morning, when people got up, they would engage in collective meditation, at some point focusing on Mindlight, which would charge up its generators for the rest of the day. Frequency healing was done by the High Priestesses in an amethyst case (which still exists under the Caribbean). A priestess would intuit the ailment and look for an amethyst with the right frequency to go with that. The patient would lie down on the amethyst (comfortably cushioned, I would presume) and the priestess would tap on the amethyst with a selenite rod, canceling the aberrant frequency connected to the disease. That things went awry in Atlantis doesn't diminish the high consciousness they once had.
So we have to continue to develop our collective consciousness to get access to advanced technology, but that includes a radical upgrade of how we view ourselves and our place in the cosmos. We are not what we were taught and manipulated to believe and until we cannot deal with this alternative (and more realistic) perception of self, advanced tech will be out of reach. But that, obviously, is we're the Ascension process comes in, to get us there, and we're now (August 2024) at the height of the Ascension process.
By the way, that the Secret Space Programs (and the elites in general) have the technology without having the consciousness, is an aspect of the 3D matrix, which empowers low-frequency consciousness.
Hollywood's version of these facts, the movie "Mutant Chronicles" takes us to the year 2700 in which four corporations dominate the world. The border between two of them runs along the present Russian border and when the one in the east attacks the west a buried spaceship is activated and its sole passenger is some kind of demonic entity (a "mutant") intent on destroying humanity.
Indeed, the arks have been activating since the coming of spaceships to our solar system a few years ago, carrying our Seeder Races. A some point the arks will take to the sky, at which point Full Disclosure is a fact.
Something similar happened some 12,500 years ago when Noah commanded a spaceship (not a wooden boat), except that shortly after, a global cataclysm (the flood) did take place.
Clearly, the movie is intended to have people associate the arks with hostile aliens and cataclysms. In the past there were timelines that had global cataclyms, but in the timeline shift of July 4th, 2023, these negative timelines were all deactivated. When the arks rise, it's because the Ascension process is essentially complete.
The gray hats have been on the fence for the past couple of years and they might even drop off to the right side in due course and do what they're supposed to do, but as I understand it, such processes will be overtaken by the Solar Flash. What I don't quite understand about Ashtar's message (it may be an older message) is that he suggests that it's Source (directly) and the Angelic collective who decide on the timing of the Solar Flash and that the GF won't act until explicitly told to do so by the divine.
The "over-intervening" part of Ashtar's message refers to the transfer of technology from the advanced galactic civilizations to Atlantis. The Anunnaki used this to divert the Atlantian population away from their spiritual practices to a focus on entertaining technological gadgets, which led to a fall in consciousness. Also, I'm considering the possibility that there are two schools of thought within the GF. One that wants to push for Full Disclosure to happen before the Solar Flash, and the other focusing on the prevention of over-Intervention. Finally, towards the end of his message, Ashtar invites people to express their opinion on whether or not "humanity will free itself" within three years. If that equates to the gray hats doing their part, then I'd say no, and have been doing so for several years, just to underline my conviction of this. As far as I can tell from behind the veils, it boils down to the question if it's absolutely necessary that Full Disclosure happens before the Flash. Immediately after the flash society may be in disarray and humanity could well use the assistance of the Galactics and the question is how post-Flash humanity will react to their presence. Already the plan exists to let the Inner Earth people be the first to make themselves public, before the Galactics, because of the likeness of the former with us. This could also apply to the post-Flash situation, complemented with Galactic humans that can pass as Earth-humans in appearance. Then things could unfold naturally. However, I would be more than happy to work with Galactics and Inner Earth folks to speed up Full Disclosure, but somehow that doesn't seem to materialize. Which is a shame, because given my reach I could easily help to make great strides in Full Disclosure. And safely, because of my decades long experience in judging public reaction to new paradigms. If my judgement was off, then I wouldn't be alive today. Or is it because of my own "mishaps" in Atlantis that the "non-over-interventionists" are reluctant to involve me? If I understand Atlantis correctly, that era was about humanity experiencing polarity, not about making Earth into a paradise (just yet). That's how I put my own "mishaps" into perspective and so should the Galactic Federation do with its own, the way I see it. And that's why that era is incomparable with today. If humanity wasn't essentially ready today, then there wouldn't be an Ascension process going on, I reckon.
Making predictions for the future is tricky, because it may create false expectations. The Ascension Train is powering full steam ahead, as for the rate at which people are awakening and is topping all expectations. Another thing is Full Disclosure, which is experiencing setbacks. One reason is that the Galactic Federation (GF) still feels Earth-humanity should initiate Full Disclosure, through political and military leaders aligned with the GF (in principle), people that were full of Ascension fervor ten years ago, but are getting "cold feet" because the're not personally handling the Ascension energies well. Another explanation I've heard is that "divine lightworkers" (of which I should be one), while driving Ascension energetically, are holding up Full Disclosure because they aren't ready with their personal evolution. This illustrates how futile predictions are because you never know what exactly is going on behind the scenes, the veils and in other dimensions. I was nevertheless intrigued by a set of possible timelines for the near future that Xandi (Lyran Collective) gave, and I will (recklessly perhaps) list these as follows:
As these possibilities unfold before you, we suggest you choose the one most beneficial to you and the reality you wish to experience. Ultimately, it is just a matter of time before all these revelations and experiences come to pass. However, you are the creators of your journey through the fourth dimension and you get to decide the order of these revelations and experiences for yourself.
Personally, I regard this as confirmation that we're "getting somewhere" with the Ascension process, but I've learned not to expect spectacular results in the short run, because Galactics have a different perception of time than us Earth dwellers do.
The Archangel Michael adds:
Once again we observe that expecting the self-proclaimed white hats (see Glossary) to make a move is flogging a dead horse. Who's to say these folks are on the Ascension path anyway? The people who will bring Disclosure are the same people who will be Nova Gaia's spiritual leaders: the lightworkers in cooperation with the Galactics, not the bureaucrats. There will be no Star Trek future. That's from a policy document of a dead timeline.
If they come, our Seeder Races (see Glossary), in their spaceships, you'll know. You don't need the old-world media for that. So resist the temptation of watching news media that you wouldn't watch in the pre-disclosure era either.
Soon we'll come face to face with extraterrestrial visitors. Angelic humans with advanced tech, perfect health and beauty and of elevated consciousness. Similar are the Inner Earth people, living in perfect bliss beneath our feet.
The Expanse suggests that Belters (people from the Asteroid belt) that grew up in low-gravity conditions develop skeletal deformities, the effects of which they try to compensate with drugs that lead to complications etc etc etc.
The people that work in the underground industrial complexes of Mars were told that the human civilization on Earth was wiped out by a cataclysm. For them the new reality will be an equally profound transition.