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Ascended Masters are people whose souls were born into the lower dimensions and through consciousness expansion evolved to an elevated state of consciousness, which typically involves the ego-pself (survival based consciousness) being replaced by the Higher Self (the consciousness of the Soul and the individual's connection to the divine realm, such as the Akashic Records).

CERN's Large Hadron Collider represents a very old Orion-reptilian multi-purpose technology. Under the guise of scientific research, it serves to create black holes by smashing elementary particles together, which allows for the creation and merging of timelines. In theory this technology would have the potential of being able to manipulate the whole of creation. It is financed by the hybrid-reptilian Illuminati bloodlines (Secret World Government), who own the Earth's financial system.

Dark Night of the Soul
This refers to the time a person spends in the ascension process in between the 3rd and 5th dimension. During this time he/she loses all illusions and false perceptions about the 3-dimensional world on Earth. The authorities appear to be fake and deceiving, society isn't as fair and supportive it had always claimed and even your own family members aren't the beacons of love and selfless support that you thought they should be. Your view of humanity may become very dark because you begin to see people's faults, but not yet the system of manipulation that made them that way. In other words, all certainties you clang to with 3rd dimensional consciousness are lost, but you haven't found the new 5th dimensional insights and certainties yet. This situation causes a deep crisis in your life, which is truly universal in that beings in all lower dimensional worlds have experienced it. It's termed the dark night of the soul.

Ascending and descending beings
A Descending Being
may be defined as a pure-energy lifeform that is created in the highest non-dimensionalized realms and evolves by entering the dimensionalized time matrix and then by stepping down its frequency to lower dimensions. It evolves by learning how to live in the lower dimensions, until it hits the third dimension. Then it joins the ascension process, that is currently going on, in order to return to where it came from. This obviously contrasts with the path of an ascending being, which may start in the first dimension (the mineral kingdom). The higher a being's frequency, the more service of others it is oriented. Hence there is no "class difference" between descending and ascending beings, in keeping with unity consciousness.

In order to describe the Earth Alliance, let's first refer to the SSP Alliance, which consists mainly of the US Navy's Secret Space Program (SSP), called Solar Warden, which came online in the 1980s with the help of extraterrestrials.The US Air Force may have joined the SSP Aliance in 2018, I'm not sure. The rest of the SSP Aliance (SSPA) consists of rogue elements from the Cabal (or Secret Earth Government)'s SSPs, who defected with their advanced spaceships and crews to join the SSPA. According to Corey Goode, due to infighting the SSPA is now in disarray. So much for the American side of the Earth Alliance, which further consists of the SSPs of the BRICS nations and so called Asian secret organisations. What the latter exactly are and if they have SSP capabilities, I don't know. The Earth Alliance opposes (in principle) the Secret Earth Government (the Illuminati) and it are Earth Alliance forces (if I understand correctly) who are fighting the underground war in the Ukraine in order to dismantle underground bio-labs and arms factories run by anti-human extraterrestrials.

The principle of Free Will, as used in the esoteric literature, refers to the individual being able to choose between high and low morality. As such, the individual will experience no karma during his present incarnation from service-to-self choices. This particular definition of free will has no bearing on sovereignty, just on moral choice. On the 5th dimensional Earth people will experience instant karma, but will be free in all other ways, unlike the 3rd dimension with its mind control matrix.

Frequency wars
Everything is consciousness and there is a direct connection between consciousness and the frequency of our subatomic particles and bio-electric field. When our frequency rises, our consciousness expands. The reptilian matrix on Earth is based upon humanity residing in a low state of consciousness, "believing the hype" and obeying the elites and authorities. Hence both sides in the exopolitical showdown on Earth (the Galactic Federation (GF) and the Orion Group (OG)) try to influence humanity's frequency. The GF, backed by the large volumes of incoming high frequency energy and the Angelic realm, does so through their lightworker program, evolved souls who quickly elevate their frequency as they grow up and act as energy conduits and transmuters between the energetic structures within the Earth and the leyline network. As such such they link in with Earth-humanity's conscious quantum field and elevate the collective consciousness.
The Orion Group tries to do the opposite by sending large quantities of clones and low frequency synthetic humans onto the Earth plane, in order to lower the overall frequency, as well as low frequency souls from Orion to incarnate as Earth-humans.
All activity by both sides that influences humanity's state of well-being and evolution is part of the Frequency Wars.

Galactic Center
The Galactic center is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and is the point from which the galaxy rotates. It is located within the Sagittrarius constellation, is packed with around ten million stars and is around four million times the size of our Sun. It is a vast cauldron of consciousness and creation. Out from the Galactic center pour unimaginably powerful waves of pure source-energy, the pure God-substance that fills every particle that makes up reality at each dimension of being. (From Sarah Hall)

God Spark
The best description I know is due to past-life regression therapist Dolores Cannon. One of her clients describes the moment her soul was "born", when pure energy in the form of a spark separated itself from the total conscious energy aggregate we call God, Prime Creator, Source etc. This spark represents our immaterial core essence, or soul.

The terms black hat, white hat and gray hat, in our times, go back to the hacker community in which there are people that hack computer systems for nefarious reasons (monetary fraud, espionage, harassment, etc), these are the black hats. And there are people who hack systems for exposing their weaknesses, and to subsequently inform the system administrator with advice on how to improve security. These are the white hats. It's the American Secret Space Program community who started to use these terms to differentiate between them (the "white hats") and the part of the American state loyal to the "cabal", or Secret Earth Government (the black hats). As I mention on Full Disclosure, during the course of the Ascension process many "white hats" have started to renege on their pledge to bring down the black hats, because they are not coping well with the consciousness effects of the frequency increase during the Ascension process. In the esoterics community these people are referred to as gray hats.

I follow Ishmael Perez' description of the "Universal Round", which refers to the creation of the seven "Super Universes" of which ours is the seventh. They revolve around the Central Universe (called "Havona") which is said to be the seat of God. The first stage of the creation process is called the "outbreath" (of God). It is complete when there is "light" in every corner and niche in all seven superuniverses. I parenthesized "light" because it refers to many things, light being energy, information and consciousness in the minds of the sentient beings that inhabit the multiverse. The very last stage of the "outbreath" coincides with human collective Ascension on Earth, as human consciousness rises from the depths of the Earthly three dimensional artificial "matrix". When Earth-human consciousness rises to the fifth dimension, this means that we will be able to accept the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life and that we will have open contact with our human brothers and sisters from other worlds.

Kali Yuga refers to a time period in which our solar system does not traverse the so called Photon Belt. This refers to a highly energetic tubular structure that seems to be linked to Alcyon, the Pleiades' main star. While our solar system orbits Alcyon, it traverses the plain perpendicular to the tubular object (see this as a giant bicycle tire in space). Then it can be seen that there are four stages in each cycle of our movement with respect to the photon belt. We pass through the photon belt twice (on opposite sides of the belt) and twice we traverse empty space. While in the belt our frequency rises through the infusion of energy from the belt and the positive forces on Earth gain momentum. While in empty space, our frequency drops and the negative forces get the upper hand. The lowest energy era is called Kali Yuga. The term is from the Sanskrit, meaning "Age of Darkness". Ascension will make the photon belt redundant, so to speak, because in the 5th dimension the Earth and its inhabitants will enjoy a frequency that does not permit negativity.

The term Lemuria was coined by mid-19th century zoologist Philip Sclater who found fossil remains of the lemur primate in Indonesia, which is found as a living species today in Madagascar. He (correctly) postulated that there must have been a continent connecting these two places in ancient times, which he named after the primate. Eight million years ago "Lemuria" was inhabited by humans that were incarnated somewhere in between the etheric and physical (no direct genetic line between them and us). Many beings we know today as archangels and ascended masters were there in presumably some physical form and presided as spiritual leaders over "Yanini", which was Lemuria's name in the local language. Opinions differ as to when Yanini started and ended. Many souls from Yanini are incarnated on Earth today.
Then there was James Churchward who did research on ancient Indian tablets and introduced to our times the continent Mu, who some say is the same as Lemuria. Other sources claim Mu refers to the land of a people of etheric predecessors of the people of Lemuria.
Tamil legend refers to the continent of Kumari Kandam, connecting Madagascar, Australia and Southern India/Sri Lanka.

The Living Library of Earth is a term that follows from the Grand Experiment of Earth. Prime Creator (also called God, Source or the Universal Quantum Field) is an ever evolving being of conscious energy. In its effort to expand its consciousness (or knowing of itself) it has designated Earth as one of its primary experimentation labs on which advanced species come together to exchange information and experiment with new life forms. Central to the Grand Experiment is the creation of a human being indigenous to Earth. Our 22 Seeder Races (such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians etc) have inserted their own DNA into that of the Earth-human, along with the DNA of countless other races, such that when the Earth-humans scatter across the Milky Way Galaxy in the future, they will have the genetic prerequisites to thrive in every corner of the Galaxy. As such Earth-human DNA is representative of Galactic DNA as a whole, and is therefore called the "Living Library" (of Galactic DNA). The "Living Library" may also refer to life on Earth as a whole, since the plant and animal life on Earth is also a melting pot of Galactic (plant and animal) DNA. The purpose of the Grand Experiment is to infuse Creation with emotion. Emotion is a bridge with the spiritual realms and the Seeder Races and Prime Creator crafted the Earth-human such that it has become Creation's most emotional being.

One might argue that the Grand Experiment started in the Lyra constellation (20 million years ago) with the seeding of a 5D human race, there. It was God's intention to create a species that could live in all of the twelve lower dimensions, as opposed to most species that can either live in the lower dimensions (as in 1D to 4D) or in the higher (5D and up). A human race that descended from 6D into 5D Lyra was supposed to link up with the reptilians of Orion. The goal was an offspring with activated chakras in all 12 dimensions, with the lower four coming from the reptilians and the higher eight from the Lyrans. The reptilians turned out too belligerent and via the Galactic Wars the Grand Experiment ended up on Earth.
The expression Love is power refers to the fact that love is an elementary force of which the "forces of nature" (gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear forces) are derived. This is in keeping with the fact that "The All There Is" is consciousness, the thoughts of God, the Universal Quantum Field. Every three dimensional world (such as the current Earth) is an artificial island of low frequency energy (that corresponds with lower fear-based thought forms) in a higher dimensional Multiverse of frequencies that correspond with higher love-based thought forms. Love is the multiverse's predominant thought form and the better the individual is able to resonate with and act upon the frequency of love, the more the multiverse will be open to the ideas and desires of the individual. Put differently, the more you think and act out of love, the more God will trust you with more responsibility for the Grand Design and how it evolves. The Ascension to 5D Earth will replace "power" with "responsibility" as the predominant paradigm.
The Mandela Effect refers to a part of humanity remembering Nelson Mandela's death while imprisoned during South-Africa's Apartheid era, while another part of humanity remembers Mandela serving as South-Africa's first post-Apartheid President. The Mandela effect is a timeline phenomenon, for which, for the purpose of this glossary, I will speculate that this is the result of the merging of different timelines. This may occur naturally, or artificially through technologies like CERN's Large Hadron Collider.

The Pleiadians are one of our main Seeder Races, that created today's human genome out that of earlier Earth-humanoids such as the Cro Magnon and Homo Erectus. They have also deeply influenced and formed human culture, science and spiritual development. The Pleiadians I'm aware of are from the star system of Taygeta, in particular the planet Erra, as well as from the planet Maya, from the star system Maia (with an i). The humans of the Pleiades descend from the Lyran diaspora and their three main ethnic groups (that I'm aware of) go back to Lyra: The Taal, the Noor and the Ahel. In ancient times the Noor established a colony in Northern Europe from which the name of Norway derives. Our solar system revolves around Alcyone, the biggest star of the Pleiades, in a 26,000 year orbit. Which is odd, since our solar system is much older than the Pleiades, a particular astronomical situation that seems to be shrouded in mystery, for a reason unknown to me.

The Polarity Principle

The most basic force (not just spiritually but also in the physical sciences) in Creation is Love, everything that deviates from that is artificial. However, in a world of pure love there is no force that drives evolution and so life and consciousness are stagnant. Therefore, Prime Creator brings forth incentives and stimulants in the form of challenges and obstacles so that his fractals (the souls) are driven to learn and evolve. These circumstances are called polarity because they often involve conflicts and differences.

Inherent to 3D Earth is the Polarity Principle with all the wars and violence going on.
The Secret World Government goes back to Atlantis, which was founded by the Anunnaki, from the lost planet of Sirius called Nibiru. When a dark Anunnaki faction took over Atlantis, their leader Marduk established the first version of what we now know as the New World Order, a worldwide autocracy under Marduk. When Celestial powers had had enough of it, they metaphorically pulled the plug and the Great Flood happened. Several Atlanian colonies survived and through them, especially Egypt, Marduk's rule continued and favored by the energetic conditions of the Kali Yuga became the dominant force on Earth. Following the energetic shifts since the lifting of the Earth energetic quarantine in 2012, Marduk and his Illuminati have been on the backfoot and Marduk himself was removed from Earth several years ago. According to one narrative (Ishmael Perez), the 13 original Illuminati bloodlines result from a politically motivated marriage between Marduk and a reptilian princess (called Tia) from the planet Aln in the Bellatrix constellation of Orion. Another narrative says that Tia (or Tiamat) actually married Tybarion, a royal from Syrius and representative of the Galactic Federation (GF). This "Syrian Solution" was intended to end the Orion wars between the ancient Ciakhar (reptilian) empire and the worlds of the GF. However, the newly formed bloodline "persisted in reptilian ways" and led to the Anakh empire, of which the Anunnaki are the Earthly representatives. This narrative is due to K. Alexander Gray (Astral Legends channel on YouTube), who often quotes folks like Elena Danaan and Zacharia Sitchin, who some describe as cabal mouthpieces.
Whatever their exact origins are, the original 13 bloodlines have branched out and today they hold the world's financial system in private ownership (most of the world's central banks and institutions like the IMF, World bank, Interpol and the investment firm Vanguard which has a share in every significant business). They set up and control the institutions, such as the educational system, politics, judicial system and science which support their mind control system, which is headquartered on the Moon. Some of the six media conglomerates that control 90% of the media actually have reptilians on their board of directors, beings that have the ability to look like humans through holographic projection. Ten out of the thirteen Illuminati bloodlines are reptilians and are unknown to the general public.
Humanity's Seeder Races are the technologically and spiritually advanced humanoid races that have brought the human species to Earth. I don't have a full list of the 22 races that have contributed to the Earth-human genome, but the ones I'm familiar with are the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians (or Siriusians), Andromedans (the Galaxy), Lyrans and Antarians. Some negative races muscled there way into this Grand Experiment, see above, such as the Orion-reptilians and the Anunnaki. Since these beings never intended to honor Source's intentions for this project, they are not our Seeder Races (let alone self-proclaimed gods).
The term Star Trek future refers to a coordinated effort from within the American state to influence humanity's future timeline in order to benefit reactionary interests. This started with the TV series Star Trek in the 1960s, which was the product of the use of temporal technology (such as the Chronovisor, a device which produces on-screen images of possible future events) by people affiliated with the US Navy. Whatever the US Navy's original intentions were, today Star Trek Future is a term used in official policy documents which seek to co-create and legitimize the militarization and commercialization of space under Nazi-American tutelage, taking into account how the Secret World Government has taken control of America in the second half of the 20th century.