Many of us are awakening to the idea that we chose to come to this planet at this specific time in a grand cosmic shift, a transformation of unprecedented proportions. We have been tested since the moment we arrived on this planet. Every difficult event, every obstacle, every setback, it's all part of the divine plan to test our ability to hold the light within us, to keep our vibrations at a high level, even when the world around us seems chaotic. Your mission is not about grand gestures or fame. It's about the everyday choices you make, the way you treat others and the love you share. Your actions, no matter how small they may seem, ripple through the collective consciousness, creating waves of change that resonate far beyond your immediate sphere of influence. But here's the catch. Fullfilling your mission isn't meant to be easy. Have you ever noticed that some of the most significant moments of growth in your life came as a result of hardship? These tests are the crucible in which your soul is refined, like a diamond formed under immense pressure. When life tests your resilience, it's asking, can you endure?
Another crucial test is the test of compassion. Can you see the divine spark in every being, even when they seem lost in darkness?
Throughout your cosmic journey, you'll also encounter the test of faith. It's a test that challenges you to trust in the unseen, to have faith in the divine plan, even when the path ahead seems shrouded in darkness. Faith is like a lantern that guides you through the night. Can you keep the flame of hope burning, knowing that the dawn will come and the Sun will rise once more?
Patience is also a crucial test. It's a reminder that the Universe has it's own rhythm.
Perhaps the most profound test of all is the test of self love. It's about recognizing your inherent worthyness as a divine being. The Universe believes in you. It believes in your capacity to hold the light within you. You are a cosmic warrior and the Universe has entrusted you with a profound purpose. Embrace your mission with an open heart and a courageous spirit.
-- After Dolores Cannon
Upon the shoulders of you all, do I place Escaburre; Rise, my Knights, and, in the great name of God and the Graal, go forward on the Pathway of Truth.
I, your King, salute you, in my own and my Knights' names.
May God bless you to Eternity
It is true that the people of Lemuria (I prefer Yanini, Lemuria being its "monkey name", see Glossary) were of a far lesser physical density than we are today. Apparently Sarah Elkhaldy has a sense of their psychological experience. I'm taking this post as an opportunity to make a link between Ascension and Yanini, via the time and place of Yeshua. As Michael explains in his Yanihian Script, in Yanini the Universal Mother was being prepared for her life as Maria, Yeshua's mother in the ultra-dense Earth plane, 2000 years ago. There in Yanini, many angelics, solar adepts, ascended masters and beings that are lightworkers today came together to prepare for "The Harvest" (Ascension process) as it is unfolding today. They met again 2000 years ago in Palestine, last stop before Ascension, a coming together that in the world's collective awareness centers around Yeshua. For me me at this point, it remains a matter of speculation what this assembling of deities on sandals and donkey-back was really all about and why the primary solar adept (Yeshua) played a central role. Again I'm speculating that it was the result of a negotiation process between the forces of light and darkness, in which the light had to respect the polarity principle (see Glossary), which resulted in Christianity.
Remember, dear Earth friends, you are the key to the great remembering and reunion. Through your courage, your light and your love the new Earth is birthed and a new chapter of Cosmic Unity begins.
We are the 11D Council of Light and we walk with you in every step, in every breath, towards the dawning of the new horizon.
A collective of Antarian, Arcturian, Syrian and Blue Avian energies, alongside other celestial collectives, whose names are yet to grace your Earthly lexicon.
The Blue Avians, if I'm correct, are the Ra Collective, originally from Venus, descending from tiny blue birds. They benevolently ruled our part of the Milky Way for billions of years until they became light beings. They gave the famous Ra channellings, in the beginning of the 1980s, when they came to our solar system, to buffer the incoming energies and to oversee the early Ascension process. They called an end to the Grand Experiment of the human genome in 2018 and then left, but are still overseeing the Ascension process. They are karmically tied to humanity through their actions in ancient Egypt, when they tried to compensate for negative reptilian influences by creating the pyramids (through thought), which served as a network of amplifiers of healing crystals. The Inner Earth people call them the Guardians, because of their stabilizing role in our local star cluster before they left for the non-physical realms. The Secret Space Programs call them the Ancient Builder Races, because of the ruins they left behind, across our local star cluster, which the SSPs date at 2 billion years (this is Corey Goode stuff, by the way). It seems to me that their signature architecture consist of H-shapes, like the H-blocks in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. Venus has a very large in-tact H-shaped building with working technology. The Blue Avians identify as "the guardians of time and lords of the passages between realities".
The Syrians were part of the collective of 22, but also karmically linked to the Anunnaki, since the latter also originate from the star system of Syrius. A people from Syrius, the Yzhnüni even incarnated on Earth in an attempt to assist humanity. The Syrian High Council created the well known 13 crystals skulls as communication devices with the higher realms for the benefit of humanity. When things got out of hand in Atlantis they removed some skulls from Earth and the others were hidden. If I understand correctly the 13 were reunited on Earth in 2012.
I know very little about the Antarians, except that they're human.
Comments about artificial intelligence moved to
We encourage you further to turn off the news. If you are staying attuned to the news because you want to know, yet the outcome is your fear of current events, then you should not watch the news. Use your mind to create the scenarios of peace you wish to see and understand that these will be created.
Do not allow them to control your mind. Turn the negative news off. Do not read the newspapers and do not go online to read the news there either. Do not discuss the negative news, even [or especially] within you starseed groups. If you fear what the news tells you, refuse to hear it for there is only light. Believe this with all your heart and it shall be so.
You must understand that although the Galactic Federation of Light is here to assist your world, this is your battle, and the battle to date has been one of consciousness, dark versus light..
Isolate yourself from any negative rhetoric, if the only outcome is their continued control over your mind.
Know deeply in your heart that the win of the light is close, as it is God's decree and all part of the divine plan. We have already won. Now it is just a matter of holding the light for those who are not aware and who have been believing the lies..We are already victorious, [but] your people are in a learning process right now. They are learning how to dissolve oppression, instead of submitting themselves to it as they have been.
We, of the higher realms, witness your great victory, as you head closer and closer to the day when we shall dance upon the shores of a brand new day. Together as one. It is close, it is so so close now, beloved friends.
If you stop connecting to the news cycle, there may be people saying you are "heartless", unwilling to empathize with the victims shown on the news. These people, that say that, are willing or unknowing puppets of the control and propaganda system that works through the media and even from the Astral realms, to influence people. If these individuals are getting to you, you may want to reconsider the amount of contact you have with them.
I have also seen times in which I thought I should be able to lead a normal life, but what is normal anyway, in a world in which the perception of reality is so heavily distorted, so as to fit the control purposes of a dark matrix? If you don't disconnect from the matrix now, then really, what have you done as a lightworker.....?
Having said that, I think it's fascinating how the notions put forward on this very obscure site seem to permeate every nook and cranny of this world, because however marginal this site is in terms of numbers (in traffic), it packs a punch qualitatively, and this is because of YOU. What we're seeing is a kind of coup d'etat (the Love Coup) going on, with the reptilians, chimeras and other parasitic beings pushed out of the Earth's quantum consciousness field by the lightworkers, in favour of human Free Will.
So if I'm chastising anyone, over playing into the hands of the news network controllers, then I'm preaching to the choir, probably.
Having that said that....if lightworkers wanted power (or money, for that matter), they would have sided with the dark forces in a 3D world. Moreover, there is no greater self-disempowerment (in a sense) than someone descending from the creator realms to get his butt kicked in the lowest dimensions, just for evolutionary and service-to-others purposes. We are working towards Nova Gaia, a 5D non-cynical world, where all will get what they need and no one asking for more. The lightworkers wil be creators and healers and guiding communities on the basis of what they've learned from previous Ascensions.
Personally, I would much prefer to return to the non-physical realms, but will complete my "tour of duty" to the full and will never abandon a Gaia in need.
One thing I'd like to impart on you is the realization that Ascension is much bigger than we are. That it's not (just) about us getting out of harm's way, Earth's Ascension AND human history are part of something bigger. If you realize that, pre-ascension, and not sleep through it, then I think that will be very valuable in the future.
I'm beginning to understand what Yeshua meant when he said:
One possible interpretation of "these energies" may lie in the "Grand Experiment" of the human genome, indigenous to Earth. There, 22 advanced Galactic races inserted their own DNA and influenced Earth-human culture down to the spiritual. Not all 22 races were benevolent, the reptilians also took part. Some races inserted third party DNA (such as the Syrians did with Lyran feline DNA). It has been this grandiose mix of influences that has essentially created the "Earth Experience" and when its "end-product", the Earth-human, can ascend and become a constructive member of the Galactic family, then one might say that "energies peacefully coexist together".
The Galactic Federation created the 3D environment within the Van Allen Belt and aided by the genetic Grand Experiment the "Earth Experience" was born. This is why the Galactics feel responsible for what's going on on planet Earth. They have created the Earth Experience (at the behest of Prime Creator) and we've had to deal with it. We are the Universe's Frankensteins, lab rats, sex slaves and food source (the latter both energetically and physically). This is now (almost) over but we are going to have to deal with our grizzly past in the future.
The Galactics have made it all happen, they are our parents. But family relations can be complicated, as children only expect the best from their parents. Time will tell how Earth-humanity will deal with this.
This is a time of great personal responsibility and empowerment. The activation of your DNA is not a passive event, but a conscious, intentional journey into the depths of your being. You are called to explore the emotional highways of your existence, to unlock the stories and wisdom that have been hidden within. As you navigate this journey, remember the importance of your emotional and spiritual selves. Emotion is the bridge to the spiritual realm, the key to unlocking the vast data stored within the living library [your DNA]. It is through the exploration and acceptance of your emotional experiences that you will find the keys to your spiritual evolution.
This era beckons you to embrace the role of steward of this profound knowledge. Your sexuality, a powerful aspect of your human experience, is an essential part of this awakening. It is a sacred tool for opening the avenues of information and connection. Approach it with reference, understanding its potential to unlock the deeper aspects of your DNA.
We witness you, we love you and send you divine blessings.
- The Pleiadians
- Mira, the Pleiadian High Council
She says:
We are observing you and we are witnessing a profound shift, that even we didn't expect, for a little while in your future.
That's a bit of a mind bender, because it suggests that the Council is watching us from somewhere in the near future, so the "profound shift" is yet to happen in our time. But they like what the're seeing, apparently. A sentiment that has been coming in from multiple sides, recently. Since I have been watching and reading messages from the higher planes, directed at lightworkers, I have seen two moments in which the mood in the higher planes shifted drastically. First in the weeks following the 4th of July, 2022, when the Earth and its humanity entered a new timeline (the "New Earth timeline", that Mira refers to?) which cut off all doomsday scenarios and definitively brought the Earth into safe waters, so to speak. Now, I'm again seeing such a moment. Not only is there the promise of a bright future, which what July 4th 2022 was about, an important next step is in the making, so it seems.
Then she says:
...the greatest challenge before you, lies in recognizing your participation in a grand genetic venture
I assume she refers to the Grand Experiment of the Earth-human genome, to which I have referred many times on this site, a concept still unknown, however, to the mainstream. What is interesting is that these are post-Ascension concerns.
However, flamboyancy and charisma are assets, not sins, so there is no typical lightworker, other than that they all try to elevate the collective frequency in their own way.
We all grew up in the reptilian matrix with its programmed "ideals" of wanting to become stars in the ego economy. So in this article I have to walk the fine line between warning against charlatans and not being judgemental about dear souls as they go on their proper evolutionary path.
Remember that you and family decided to incarnate together so that you could assist eachother on your evolutionary paths. That process is now almost complete. If they cannot match your vibration then that is the inevitable result of their state of evolution, something you cannot possibly change, only they can. Every ascended soul is precious and crucial, so for you to ascend is your sacred mission, your promise to God. That doesn't make separation from family any less painful, but as always, give the needs of the Higher Self precedence over the needs of the Ego Self, that tries to cling to what it has in the third dimension.
If you're not experiencing the above-mentioned distancing process, then that doesn't mean you're not ascending, evidently.
So I implore the Galactics to try to see that it's important for Starseeds and Old Souls alike to stay in touch with the 3D material world, not just to stay adept in solving the problems it presents, but especially since this process (of solving problems in 3D) is part of our soul mission, and it's something that defines the 12D Earth human (in my opinion).
To me personally, being in the material worlds has always been nothing short of traumatizing. I've become so much better at it, with the passing of time, but each time I move up a dimension in consciousness (now at 8th), the moment comes I'm being "pulled back to Earth", with my life being highjacked by seemingly petty issues, that, however, are "part of the ride", as per our soul mission.
The 4D Night Shift
For years Arcturians have mentioned this to happen and how they meet many of us in that way. They even intend to set up a clubhouse (sic ) for lightworkers from all over the galaxy. If I understand correctly, I meet up with my buddies and brothers Michael, Yeshua and Ashtar on a Galactic Federation spaceship. Too bad I don't recall such events.
The Arcturians mention that we as lightworkers are coming together in 4D to plan for the post-Ascension Earth. They are enthusiastic about our efforts and say that those of us that want to be present at gatherings in their presence, will be there.
Xandi, from the Lyran Collective adds:
"As you creep closer to your upcoming winter solstice [2024], we are exploring the many possibilities that exist for hunanity. At night, while you sleep, your consciousness is also exploring these possibilities. You traverse different timelines to determine which energies will serve you best as an individual. Whichever timeline you choose for yourself, a version of the human collective will join you on that path."
Welcome home, Divine Rising. And may God's greatest blessings fill your hearts and homes with steadfast faith, appreciation and inner knowing that all is truly well.
You are doing the work. You are anchoring a frequency that will resonate through generations. As you stand on this threshold, tired yet unwavering, remember that every breath, every moment of stillness is part of the creation of a new world.
I live in a "lightworkers house" in the sense that it is built upon some natural energetic structures. There runs an energy line under and through my house (whether it's a ley line or something similar) and there's an energy structure in my garden, perhaps a subterranean crystal, but probably an aquatic formation, because of a shallow depression in the ground that has formed during the past couple of years. I sense its presence with my heart chakra. I have noticed that it's like a flame, hottest/strongest at its perimeter and tip. When sit on top of a ladder (I told you this was going to get weird) I'm in the tip of the "flame" and feel the energy most strongly.
That is what lightworkers do, calm nerves and bring balance. Because the energy structure amplified my energy, its effect was almost instant and audible, but every region on Earth has a person that has that role. The indigenous people on Earth have a similar effect through their rituals, dance and chants. The cetaceans play that role in the oceans.
There are lightworkers who still don't know what they are, but since they are connected to the universal consciousness field (as everything is), they are doing light work nevertheless. They are dispersed across the Earth in a network, as I ended up where I am now, by synchronicity.
You, dear ones, are empaths. You are naturally kind and loving and of a higher frequency, a more loving vibration than those you came to serve, who, with your help, will reach that high vibration too. You found the indoctrinated unloving human behavior very puzzling and challenging. You often wished to leave this Earthly sphere. You lived through your nightmare of a life, knowing, feeling, that somehow there was a purpose to all your suffering, and that, against all odds, you had to pull through, and you did. Having experienced the human condition of irrational rules and regulations and befuddling teachings and beliefs, you awoke to the realization of your divinity. Gradually it dawned upon you that this whole human experience is divine.
Further details about counterpart teams will emerge as the moment of fully actvating your missions approaches.