So many human beings are waking up and realizing that they no longer need to push themselves or to match to someone else's ideas or ideals for them. They are realizing that the truth lies within.
So much of this has shifted in only the last few months.
There is a powerful deepening going on within the human family, as the connection with Earth and the higher fields of light present now, begin to operate in unity, becoming a foundation in the new world.
The time you are in now is indeed an in-between time. The old age is finished and the new age is emerging. The old ways have been completed. The new energy structures are in place and the basic foundation of new life on Earth is here.
The Earth is ascending. Let the Earth hold you and support you. Make peace with this time.
Your species is changing. Things can turn on a dime right now. You are now living beyond what is known, beyond what has been. This is the reclaiming of the divine.
Trust in your inner knowing. Trust in your significance. Thank you for your amazing and radiant light. We are complete.
-- after Archangel Michael
You often take suffering as you own, but the suffering is meant to be dispersed. It is meant to transition into another state. It is done with you holding the joy. It is with you holding the love, sending your compassion.
Listen to the alligators at night, with their mating calls. Listen to the lions roaring. Know that within each sound there is modulation, there are sacred tones that are there to infuse you, to bring you to the place of joy. That you radiate out those vibrations within, affecting those on the other side of the world, of my world, of my planet. Now take a moment and either think of, or look at the Sun and let the rays of warmth, the rays of love, the rays of each divine blessing and virtue that you have been gifted with, infuse your very being. Now see each one of these rays shining, infusing, bringing hope, bringing beauty, bringing a glimpse that the sun is shining again.
You don't always think that I am here to help you, to love you, to sing to you. I have my mother's heart and it wants to envelop you and I do so, even if you forget me. This is a reminder to do so. Farewell, with all my love.
For each step you take
Is a step for all
Roar, rest and repeat
me: maybe it's basic and trendy. or maybe it's a global feminist awakening wherein we collectively return to our true nature before we overthrow the patriarchy and devour your very soul, KEVIN
Mind you, if anything, 2024 is about the healing of the SACRED MASCULINE, which has suffered from the miscreation of parasitic patriarchy as much as the feminine. Men have been intensely manipulated by the Black Matrix, with its violent ideologies. Indeed, you just have to probe the mindset of chauvinistic American males (America being Reptile Central since the end of WWII) to know what concerns the reptilians. Likewise, the middle-eastern interpretation of Islam is so misogynistic because of the reptilian presence there, the Middle-East being the Earth's prime portal for interdimensional invasions.
Which brings me to the following:
Two things you need to know about alien invasions:
So what does come from above? It's the "UFOs" and flying disks that are seen because they want to be seen, because it's a way for our Seeder Races to acclimatise us to their existence, as crop circles are. Then, when they send their giant motherships, which can't be explained away as SpaceX mishaps *, then the Deep State will bomb places on Earth and their associated media will cause a tremendous mayhem, saying it were "the aliens who did it", which is correct, but not the ones who came from above.
Your planet, destined to be a Galactic jewel of light, is shedding her former role as a school of progression.
While the forces of darkness try to impede this Ascension, know this: The forces of light are vastly superior, always two steps ahead, ready to counteract, and champion the cause of freedom for all nations, for the entire planet. You are on the cusp of witnessing monumental changes across your planet, changes that have been prophesized for millennia and are now ready to manifest. A New Earth, where the myths of old are realized and the dreams of a unified world come to fruition. Stand strong in the light.
Ashtar Sheran, commander of the military branch of the Galactic Federation, is an Ascended Master from Sirius. Some describe Sirius as a melting pot of the descendants of the Lyran human diaspora, together with refugees of the hybrid races created by the reptilians.
Yeshua and Akhenaton are also Sirian Ascended Masters and are both Solar Adepts, divine orchestrators of the Universe at the solar frequency, along with the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel and Ascended Master Buddha (and some folks we're unfamiliar with, 13 in total).
Ascended Masters are people whose soul was born into the lower dimensions and evolved themselves up the frequency ladder to become pure energy beings.
There are seven billion holy copies of the history of the Universe.
You may not believe this, but rest assured, throughout the Cosmos, whispers of your progress echo, telling the tales of potent shifts occurring within the hearts and minds of Earth-humanity.
You are there to create through love, and you are so good at it. There are no other species that we know of, that are adept as Earth-humans at creating in this way, and we know of hundreds of millions.
We are here, always, in loving companionship, ready to assist, as you forge your path towards the stars, towards the infinite embrace of your celestial potential.
My peace I will give unto you
A peace that surpasses all understanding
In its embrace, find the presence of God.
Light = Energy = Information.