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So many human beings are waking up and realizing that they no longer need to push themselves or to match to someone else's ideas or ideals for them. They are realizing that the truth lies within.

So much of this has shifted in only the last few months.

There is a powerful deepening going on within the human family, as the connection with Earth and the higher fields of light present now, begin to operate in unity, becoming a foundation in the new world.

The time you are in now is indeed an in-between time. The old age is finished and the new age is emerging. The old ways have been completed. The new energy structures are in place and the basic foundation of new life on Earth is here.

The Earth is ascending. Let the Earth hold you and support you. Make peace with this time.

Your species is changing. Things can turn on a dime right now. You are now living beyond what is known, beyond what has been. This is the reclaiming of the divine.

Trust in your inner knowing. Trust in your significance. Thank you for your amazing and radiant light. We are complete.

-- after Archangel Michael

Three dimensional creations are always temporary because they are mind-formed concepts without Devine Law to maintain and sustain them.

The Arcturians
I, Pele, embrace you with warm motherly affection. You are my Ohana. You are my family. It is time. Listen to the call of the wind of your heart. Feel the heaving of the Earth. Feel the power of the wind. Feel the change. It is you.
- Pele, Goddess of Volcanoes
I am Source. I am with you in the pain. I am with you in the journey. I am within you, I walk along side you and I carry you.. ..It's like in the Footsteps poem. Yes, I carry you, but yes I also make the sand. I breathed the ocean and all within it and I am the stability of the rock beneath the sand and the vast space that surrounds the floating planet. I am all of it. I am Source. Please enjoy my presence as I so enjoy yours. We are a team, you and I and we are unbeatable.
- Prime Creator - Source
The souls of warriors cry aloud for wars to cease
-King Arthur -- Arhura, Adept of the Seventh Solar Plane
In the stillness of silence the divine speaks
- Yeshua
Dearest one, I am Gaia, your mother, your Mother Earth. I come to you with the gentle breezes, with the swaying of the leaves. I come to you with the gentle movement of the clouds. You can put your feet on the grass and hear each blade of grass singing its song. Look up at the sky and watch the clouds as they move. Listen to the birds singing, for my birds are there to heal you. Now you are needed. Find the joy of the Sun and know that that sun is within you. Find the joy of the birds singing and know that songs of sweetness, songs of love are inside you. Come. Let me rock you as a mother rocks a child and find the joy of sinking into the water, whether it's a lake or my ocean or a warm bath. You may even with to go out in the rain and let that come down as well upon your sacred body. It is the moment. The moment of stopping, listening, absorbing. For each part of my body is meant to bring you joy, even when there is rain outside or if there are are fires roaring.
You often take suffering as you own, but the suffering is meant to be dispersed. It is meant to transition into another state. It is done with you holding the joy. It is with you holding the love, sending your compassion.

Listen to the alligators at night, with their mating calls. Listen to the lions roaring. Know that within each sound there is modulation, there are sacred tones that are there to infuse you, to bring you to the place of joy. That you radiate out those vibrations within, affecting those on the other side of the world, of my world, of my planet. Now take a moment and either think of, or look at the Sun and let the rays of warmth, the rays of love, the rays of each divine blessing and virtue that you have been gifted with, infuse your very being. Now see each one of these rays shining, infusing, bringing hope, bringing beauty, bringing a glimpse that the sun is shining again.
You don't always think that I am here to help you, to love you, to sing to you. I have my mother's heart and it wants to envelop you and I do so, even if you forget me. This is a reminder to do so. Farewell, with all my love.
- Gaia
To do always the very utmost you can in love and kindness for the women who are looked down upon by the World, those who are so called "sinners".
- Twelfth precept of the Sacred Order of the Holy Graal
The Whole Universes are mystical, gossamer-like in their formation, the darkling skies at night spun with jewels dropped by the Fingers of the Creator
- Archangel Michael, Adept of the Twelfth Solar Plane
We behold your journey with adoration 
For each step you take 
Is a step for all

- The Arcturians
Consciousness weaves the fabric of the Universe, stitching every soul to the tapestry of existence.
- Laayty, from Arcturus

Roar, rest and repeat

- Xandi, the Lyran Collective
Xandi, a human-lion hybrid, explains how the Syrians (from Syrius) added lion DNA to the human genome as part of the Grand Experiment, adding an element of "fierceness" to Earth-humanity. When the Lyran War started, the humans of Lyra were overwhelmed by Orion-reptilian brutality, because a low density concept like violence was new to them. It were the felines that resisted the reptilians and are part of our Galactic lineage. Some have suggested that the Giza Sphinx (which originally had a lion head) was made to honour the Lyran felines (also called the Anuhazi).
them: every girl is into astrology and witchy shit now. basic. trendy. *eye roll*

me: maybe it's basic and trendy. or maybe it's a global feminist awakening wherein we collectively return to our true nature before we overthrow the patriarchy and devour your very soul, KEVIN

- some amusing online bickering

Mind you, if anything, 2024 is about the healing of the SACRED MASCULINE, which has suffered from the miscreation of parasitic patriarchy as much as the feminine. Men have been intensely manipulated by the Black Matrix, with its violent ideologies. Indeed, you just have to probe the mindset of chauvinistic American males (America being Reptile Central since the end of WWII) to know what concerns the reptilians. Likewise, the middle-eastern interpretation of Islam is so misogynistic because of the reptilian presence there, the Middle-East being the Earth's prime portal for interdimensional invasions.

Which brings me to the following:

Two things you need to know about alien invasions:

  • They don't come from above. They come through portals here on Earth, because that's the way to travel the cosmos, not through linear space. The Middle-East portal is heavily guarded by the reptilians and their minions, so if third parties want in, there are other portals. The Carpathians have been used in the past and most recently Central Africa in 1996. That was a reaction to a surge in a human consciousness expansion in the nineties that some parasitic groups tried to quell.

  • You won't see a thing. Because it's all about consciousness. If you know what's hurting you, you can do something about it, so the aliens created institutions that suppressed us while staying hidden themselves and we thought it was all perfectly normal. What you do see, shortly after a new invasion is wars and all sorts of trouble breaking out in the region, like in Central Africa in the mid 90s.

  • So what does come from above? It's the "UFOs" and flying disks that are seen because they want to be seen, because it's a way for our Seeder Races to acclimatise us to their existence, as crop circles are. Then, when they send their giant motherships, which can't be explained away as SpaceX mishaps *, then the Deep State will bomb places on Earth and their associated media will cause a tremendous mayhem, saying it were "the aliens who did it", which is correct, but not the ones who came from above.

    * as Elon Musk, The Great Bungler, can never get anything up without disappointment, so is the narrative.

    Your planet, destined to be a Galactic jewel of light, is shedding her former role as a school of progression.

    While the forces of darkness try to impede this Ascension, know this: The forces of light are vastly superior, always two steps ahead, ready to counteract, and champion the cause of freedom for all nations, for the entire planet. You are on the cusp of witnessing monumental changes across your planet, changes that have been prophesized for millennia and are now ready to manifest. A New Earth, where the myths of old are realized and the dreams of a unified world come to fruition. Stand strong in the light.

    - Ashtar Sheran

    Ashtar Sheran, commander of the military branch of the Galactic Federation, is an Ascended Master from Sirius. Some describe Sirius as a melting pot of the descendants of the Lyran human diaspora, together with refugees of the hybrid races created by the reptilians.

    Yeshua and Akhenaton are also Sirian Ascended Masters and are both Solar Adepts, divine orchestrators of the Universe at the solar frequency, along with the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel and Ascended Master Buddha (and some folks we're unfamiliar with, 13 in total).

    Ascended Masters are people whose soul was born into the lower dimensions and evolved themselves up the frequency ladder to become pure energy beings.

    There are seven billion holy copies of the history of the Universe.

    - Anonymous Pleiadian Representative

    You may not believe this, but rest assured, throughout the Cosmos, whispers of your progress echo, telling the tales of potent shifts occurring within the hearts and minds of Earth-humanity.

    You are there to create through love, and you are so good at it. There are no other species that we know of, that are adept as Earth-humans at creating in this way, and we know of hundreds of millions.

    We are here, always, in loving companionship, ready to assist, as you forge your path towards the stars, towards the infinite embrace of your celestial potential.

    - T'eeah, the Arcturian Council of Five
    Peace I leave with you
    My peace I will give unto you
    A peace that surpasses all understanding
    In its embrace, find the presence of God.
    - Yeshua
    When fear arises, it's a call for love to manifest.
    - Rieva, the Pleiadian Council of Light
    Yes, humanity has allowed itself to be brainwashed, but this was also part of the divine plan. You simply could not have learned, or be learning, the lessons that you have, and now are, without this fall from grace.
    - Xandi, the Lyran Collective
    The chaos you witness is but the shadow of lower frequencies being brought into the light for transmutation.
    - Ashtar Sheran
    We cannot experience choice without polarity. That, dear ones, is the reason that the dark side even exists. It is there to give us the freedom to choose and the responsibility for those choices. Therein lies a simple truth, which so empowers us, the conscious units of All That Is, that it defies the very existence of “evil.” Can you own up to it?
    - Patricia Cori
    Another way of saying this, I reckon, is that there are no two powers, God and the devil. All is God, the individuated version of the All, the Universal conscious quantum field. If there is such a thing as "miscreation", then it stands to reason that God doesn't deliberately create evil, but once it's there (out of miscreation), he uses it for the evolution of his components parts: to give souls the backdrop of polarity so that they can and must make choices. Then, owning up to the responsibility of choice forms and defines the "I Am".
    Space is a concept in which consciousness looks at itself from different perspectives. By looking at itself from a number of perspectives, consciousness can create the illusion of different positions within a volume of space.
    - Owen Waters
    Genes are a biological tendency for expression. Changing our state of consciousness can influence or change completely the tendency for expression. When we do this our code can actually be rewritten and a different manifestation can be expressed.
    - qhht.australia
    The average person who goes to school has no idea why humanity exists. He has no idea concerning a spiritual factor in material existence. He has no comprehension of the general rules of life, as these differ from the rules of social and political structure. He does not know where he came from, he does not know why he is here and he has no idea where he is going. And on this compound ignorance we offer degrees and make brilliant scholars out of people who have never answered any of those questions. It is one of these amazing things that we have created a great hierarchy of well-lettered ignorance. We have made everything subservient, not to wisdom, but to the passing advantages of the hour.
    - For source, see the Instagram reel (only mobile), eloquently describing the reptilian matrix on Earth.
    A light is a light in every environment (unconditional love).
    - Mira, the Pleaidian High council
    It is through service that true leadership is born.
    - Shekhti, the Lyran Collective
    While many species across the cosmos create solely from the heart, for their hearts remain eternally connected to Source, your path was distinct. Source sought to know independence through you, creating both with the mind and the heart. This, dear ones, was your sacred task, during your long separation from Source, to become independent creators, understanding the delicate balance of heart and mind.
    - Seraphelle, of Atlantis (Inner Earth)
    You are intricate expressions of energy, woven from the boundless love of the Creator, carrying within a song that has never been sung before. Knowing that you are ever growing, ever exceeding all attempts to define you. In the Creator's infinite heartbeat, never has there been, nor will there ever be, another you.
    - Zii, the Confederation of Planets
    You do not need to strive, to beg or to pray for things. For I already know what you need.
    - Your Higher Self
    Service to others opens the heart to greater compassion, aligning you with the Creator's love. While service to self refines the self's understanding of power. Both are paths of growth.
    -  Zii, the Confederation of Planets
    Acknowledging this truth, we note that in this phase of the Ascension, only the former will lead to the fifth dimension of abundance and peace.
    Walk fiercely in love
    - Xandi, of Lyra
    Let your will flow in harmony with the Creator's will. We cannot define this perfectly, for it remains a mystery. Yet this mystery is what makes your dance so beautiful and filled with grace.
    - Zii, the Confederation of Planets
    The Now is where the Divine resides. Where the currents of love and unity flow freely.
    - Yavvia, of Sirius
    Unconditional love is not an open invitation for unconsciousness or even evil. It is the acceptance that all life has a right to exist and be at different stages of maturation.
    - Sarah Elkhaldi
    The triumph of Light over Darkness means that consciousness awareness is triumphing over a lack of awareness, and truth is triumphing over illusion. The truth is that we are all one with one another and with all of Creation.
    - Sarah Hall
    In other words:
    Light = Energy = Information.