Why does God do this?

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I call this "the Universal Question". Even higher dimensional Galactics are sometimes grappling with it, for instance, when they see the damage done to Earth, or the way Earth-humanity has been abused by dark forces (sometimes called "mis-creation") during the Kali Yuga. If God is a God of love, why does he/she allow so much evil? What sincere Christian, Muslim or Jew has never asked that question, or similar in other confessions? The Pleiadians indicate that even God has his/her "superior" (in whatever way) and we don't know what is at stake for our dear God, or what living conditions or even survival parameters are imposed upon our Prime Creator. However, the greater issue, perhaps, is the Unity Principle. Everything around us and within us is part of the intelligent quantum field, of which the individualized manifestation we call God. Together we are God. In between incarnations we, as pure soul energy, draw up a plan (with a soul contract) with our guides for our next life in the flesh. Goal: evolution. What makes us better beings is not the issue here, rather that at soul level survival is not an issue: our soul is immortal. If we, at soul level, feel that our present life no longer offers opportunity for soul-growth, then the soul will "pull the plug" in order for our physical lives to end. If it feels we will spiritually benefit from going through some crisis, like a disease, then we fall ill. Often our soul tries to draw our attention to our spiritual misconceptions in this way. Our soul contract contains the main events in our lives, including all the crises and "tragedies". In our survival-based thinking it's hard to fathom how our soul can be so harsh on us. But then again, our soul is our essence. Your body is just a tool, a temporary and disposable "garment", your soul is....you. God doesn't punish, or he/she would be punishing (an aspect of) him/herself. Likewise, what's in your soul contract is your decision only, including all the "bad stuff". Hence the "harshness of God" is your soul's, it's you. We're just not aware of it in our human lives, which at a conscious level is all about survival and pain-avoidance. This is called the dualism between the ego-self (our survival based consciousness) and our higher self, our soul. This dualism and the way our higher self is pushed way back in our consciousness during our lives on Earth, serves our human experience that we take on for soul evolution. However, lurking in our conscious background it's the soul that determines what life experiences we have. I have to confess that personally, I'm still not ready to accept that every little detail, every misfortune is my life is the result of my own making, that nothing is beyond my own control. Someone said: Once you start to see the blessing in every challenge and in every situation and finally master the soul lesson entailed, the lesson will not come back again.
Many of you have known pain, wounds that echo through the corridors of memory. Healing, dear ones, is a journey of patience, of softening, into the understanding that every hurt carries within it, the seeds of wisdom. Know that healing arises, not from the erasure of pain, but from the gentle acceptance of all that you are, scars included 
- Zii, the Confederation of Planets

I have been getting a "lesson" that has been returning almost on a daily basis for the past 30 years and I have been looking for a karmic aspect to this for 30 years and have been trying to figure out what the lesson should be, for 30 years, to little avail, until now. In a previous version of this post, I expressed my incomprehension of my karmic struggles, but asking the question is answering it (with a few weeks of delay, in this case). Now it seems to me that my present life karma is related to a previous life in which I had a very difficult childhood. This happened a long time ago, possibly at the start of the Lyran War, 20 million years ago. In the above-mentioned previous version of this writing I explained how those happenings would filter down into my present life. Now the situation has changed profoundly and I've removed all reference to violence because I do't think that conveys a positive message at this time. 

The memories of the most traumatizing of my past lives started to come to me since early November 2023. They picture a lifetime of incredible violence and destruction, without a happy end. Then, in the second week of December I fell ill (for the first time in 17 years) and I suspected a relationship with the past life memories. Then I learned that at present I'm going through the first two stages of the building of my lightbody and the flu resulted from the release of the etheric and physical toxins related to the working-out process of the past life memories.

Then there is the fact that my ascension is a two tracked process. First there is the collective track, which happens under the influence of the high frequency incoming energies. This is what brings the memories back, it's why my esoteric knowledge has exploded the past few years (and why I'm making this site) and what set into motion the building of my lightbody: I'm ascending....

The second track is individualized and has been going on for my entire life. It's about empathy and respect of all life and finds its physical condensation in agelessness. As such I attained sixth dimensional consciousness last year. The (beginning) sixth dimension is, if anything, about timelines. I put that to use by changing timelines with respect to the above-mentioned lifetime. I did this by creating a scenario in my mind in which I was able to avoid the most catastrophic events in my past life. This doesn't remove the hurtful memories, but they no longer cast their shadow forward in time. I am now a more blissful, more complete and especially a less angry person. If "it's all in the mind", then that's because all expressions of reality are mere thoughts in God's mind and that we are fractals of God. That may be the greatest paradigm shift for humanity in the Ascension process: the power of the mind.

In closing, let me say that it is even possible to get karma from good intentions. On my blogger.com pages I described how my soul group's experiences, as Devas, with the parasitic extraterrestrials led us to join the Galactic Wars. The ETs' role was to create polarity for the purpose of human evolution through hardship. In our zeal to protect Earth and humanity, we interfered with that process and slowed human evolution. For karmic atonement we incarnated in Atlantis as geneticists and created weird, unnatural beings and contributed to the downfall of Atlantis. Note that we had to create hardship for humanity as part of our karmic atonement...And then get karma from that as well....We atoned for that as lightworkers in the period after Yeshua, in which we confronted the authoritarian religions and got burned at the stake. Which again leads us to the question: Why does God do this? Because at the soul level things are very different than in our risk avoiding, security seeking Earth lives. At the soul level we are the hard-hitting version of ourselves, immortal, omnipotent and always looking to better ourselves, at whatever cost.

Finally, the Ocean Logos, the consciousness of all waters spoke with a voice that flowed deep and mysterious.

 Hide their power within them, in the depths of their being, and let them forget where it lies. For in the journey to remember, to awaken the strength that resides in their own hearts, they will discover not only their true potential, but also the unity of all things. 

The assembly fell silent. The wisdom of the Ocean Logos resonating through the expanse of Creation. Prime Creator smiled, for this was the answer he sought. For in the hidden power within, humanity would find not only strength but also compassion, connection and the key to transcending their limitations. And so it was decided. In the very fabric of Humanity's soul their true power was woven, veiled by the veil of forgetfulness. A treasure waiting to be rediscovered through trials and triumphs, through love and loss. The quest to awaken their true essence would become the greatest adventure of their existence. 

This story, a gift from the Pleiadians to you reading this message today, reminds us that our greatest power has always been within us, waiting for the moment of awakening. It teaches that the journey inward is the most noble and transformative path we can embark on, leading us not only to our own light, but to the illumination of the world around us. Remember the wisdom of the oceans, remember why you are here, remember who you are. Awaken and let your light shine forth.

- Pleiadian Creation Fable, from T'enn Haan, of Maya
Consciousness if a funny thing. The All is a mass-consciousness that can think and speak with one voice. As such we call it God, its individuation. As such, He/She can be channelled, and sounds suspiciously much like us. Which is because he is, and vice versa. Wrap your head around that.

Open your heart to me. Surrender to the flow of my love, and let it carry you. Trust in the path I have laid before you, knowing that every step is guided, every moment is blessed. You are my beloved, the light of the world, and through you I am revealed. You are ready, you are the light, and I am in you, now and forever.

- Source

Understand, my beloved ones, that Supply finds its way from within you, not to you. You are my Vessel, and it is through you that my abundance flows. You are indeed the heirs of all riches in Heaven. In this realization, every need is met, not because you strive for it, but because you rest in my presence. Just as an artist listens within for inspiration, so too must you listen deeply for the voice of my spirit. It is that still, small voice that guides you. Remember, dear ones, that you are ever with me, and that all that I have is yours. This is my promise to you, a promise of unending love, boundless supply and eternal fulfillment.
- Source
"Supply" refers to the things we need. Tangible things, such as money, or intangible such as love. I have never had a job, as society defines it, but I've always been a lightworker, going through Ascension symptoms much more severe than yours (without playing down yours). I've always been a "lucky" investor, never rich, never poor, always lonely, the latter perhaps being the most prevalent Ascension symptom. After all:

In the stillness of silence, the divine speaks.

In the drama of life, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that you're inherently safe.

Enlightenment and discernment

Is there a contradiction there? Should an enlightened being, say human, be repelled by nothing and no one, by the most literal definition of unconditional love? Most sages and gurus say that being able to accept and embrace the most vile is for the most advanced masters, but who are they, those who can watch the innocent be abused and remain unperturbed? I don't know any.
Source has warned in channelings of the vast numbers of clones that walk the Earth surface today, some say they outnumber the "real" people. Although this realization shouldn't develop into a "reverse witch hunt" (the people persecuting the synthetics, instead of the other way around), but if synthetics could be ignored, then their makers would be inept at what they are supposed to do best: reducing humanity's frequency by causing mayhem.

Every soul's history can be traced back to a "ray", a specific quality of Source. There are many rays, but I'd like to emphasize two classes, the spiritually oriented rays and the action oriented rays. Not surprisingly perhaps, most sages that teach star seeds and anyone interested enough about Ascension related matters, are of the spiritual persuasion and these are mostly beings with a far less tumultuous soul history than the action oriented folks. They would be forgiven for not fully realizing "what is out there". At the core of the argument they are right, which is pretty much what modern criminologists are saying: punishment doesn't work against violent crime. The perpetrators only become more traumatized and violent, which is a splendid realization for policy makers (if the Deep State would allow them), and even an enlightened victim may be able to forgive. The point I'd like to make here is the real problem of beings ill-defining unconditional love while the Deep State is pulling out all the stops to pester people into submission. There has to be nuance here and as so often it can be found in the metaphorical heart space: if something doesn't feel right, then it isn't. Indeed, there can be no love, unconditional or otherwise, without discernment.
The discussion should be about the need to get away from concepts like retribution, and instead to forgive whenever you can, but not about calling other people dualistic whenever they are not enamored with your pet-minority.
My life as Da Vinci is an example of how a lack of discernment can lead to karma, of which I'm still experiencing the effects today, every day. The Universe is about love, but life is about choice. Don't let one thing go at the expense of the other.